The Cholo's Second Shot

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The same day *Lunch *

I gave Isaiah one more shot, but my friend Jaletho suggested that I should test him.

"You should ask Leslie to text his number" said Jale.

"Pienso que si (I think so)."

"Cuz' dude you gotta see if he really changed porque (because) I don't think he did" Jale said giving me that 'please don't be stupid' look.

"Yeah mija ya se (I know) I'm gonna ask Leslie right now."

After School_Headed to my gparents' home:

I get home and the first thing I look at is the food...when there is some.  My grandma is getting older and she's got too much on her plate. She has to take hella medication and I'm obviously not the only one that thinks that sucks.

All I know is, is that when I'm a grandma I wouldn't want to live the way my grandma lives. I don't wanna be her when I'm her age, she worries about too many things.

She's got a good life, my four uncles divide the bills of this house which is good but my grandma feels like a bother that they gotta pay for her home. What she doesn't understand is that it's the whole family's main home to come to every Sunday. And everyone comes here to celebrate holidays too, but I don't know.

Almost all grandmas are like that though and I don't like it, my grandma literally can't sleep at night and I always wonder what there reason...why does it keep her from sleeping?

She's a really big woman from the outside but fragile from the inside.

I love my grandma so much but one day when I die, I won't die happy knowing that my grandmother didn't live the happiness that I have a better opportunity of living.

I need and want her to be happy and relaxed and content one day.
God that's all wish for.

"Hola Abuelito (grandpa), ya llege (I'm here)" I say walking through the kitchen passing his room.

"Ehhh ta bien horita me agaras agua (alright sounds good get me some water in a bit).

Then I nod and enter the living room where my grandma is and she's watching her favorite show Caso Cerrado.

She's watching it everyday I get home from school -.-

Anyway, I asked my cousin Lili to message Isaiah on Facebook and she did. She's so beautiful, she always does her eyebrows to make then thick&thin. But anyway, she has a slim&perfect body with long hair and a pretty face so if Isaiah really did care about he would turn that down.

He didn't.

"Hey ((:" >Lili

"What's up" >Isaiah

"Nothing just at home cx"> Lili

"Oh thats coo what u doin?" Isaiah

"Just relaxing and bored wbu wyd c;" > Lili

"You (;" >Isaiah

My cousin was showing me every message and she'd keep asking my permission on every reply she was gonna send him back.

I was hurt inside though, I just wanted to cry and tell him to go fuck himself!

But I didn't.

I kept the feelings inside and just laughed over the messages with my cousin...even if I had fire inside me wanting to burn.

"Are you single (;" > Lili

"Haha why d;" > Isaiah

My hurt turned into could he being saying could he do this to me? I've been completely faithful to him.

"Just asking haha" > Lili

"This is a setup isn't it?" > Isaiah

After that message on facebook, I get a text from Isaiah asking me if I know who Lili Alejandre was...I said no.

He believed me.

"A what?" > Lili

We tried to keep pretending to see how deep Isaiah would go.

"Nothin' nevermnd haha just asking" > Isaiah

"Do you have a phone (;" >Lili

"Yeah what's your number d;" >Isaiah

"What's yours?" > Lili

"Text me (409)874-9230" >Isaiah

I told my cousin that we didn't have to keep going...we both knew the truth now...we both knew where this was going to go...I couldn't bare to see or know more.

Lili was using her iPod touch to send him the messages so I asked her to screenshot them and send them to me.

When I received the pics, I sent each one to him and told him we're through.

After that he kept saying so many things...

"I wanna die"

"Baby I knew it was a setup"

"I only playing along"

"Take me back"

"I don't wanna live no more if you ain't mine"

"Babygirl I need you"

"I'll do anything"

"I wanna fucken kill myself"

"Im so fucken stupid"

"I'm loosing my fucken mind"

"Idgaf about nobody else but you"

It was a Friday when that happened but on Sunday I gave in.

I he told me to give him a second shot...

I just kept imagining us in our lil' corner and feeling his hands on me looking at me so passionately with his light brown eyes and long eyelashes.

Him kissing me and feeling me.

He has me right where he wants me.

Love in a Cholo's Life DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now