Ch.12 Halloween Special part 1

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Hey everyone here's a quick authors note, I'm not exactly continuing this. But I decided I would do a Halloween special because I've never done something like this before so yeah. Also a court of mist and fury characters will be in this. And sorry but I didn't quite know how to capture all ACOMAF characters

Feyre Pov

It was just another normal day at the night court. And as I look up I can see all the beautiful stars and just the whole night sky. At the moment I'm in the garden with all sorts of interesting plants and stuff beside me. Hmm this would be a beautiful picture to paint. Especially after everything bad is over for now. Would it be forever maybe maybe not. But for now we can all relax.
At that moment Mor decides to join me, "hey Feyre watcha doin'?" She asks
"Nothing much mor, why are you talking weird?"
"Welllll I just heard that tomorrow is Halloween. For mortals anyway, are you going to celebrate it?" She asks me. Getting me thinking will I?
"I don't know. Even if I did who will I have to celebrate it with?" I point out. Like really who? Sisters? Nesta probably not, but maybe Elain?
"GLAD YOU ASKED!!!! We could have a Halloween party. Because why not? With everything that just happened we deserve it. And who knows it will probably be fun to have a party, we can just use the excuse of the mortal custom" she says.
"Umm sure, why not. What's the harm. Like damn the cauldron we do deserve it" I say a bit to loudly.
"What's all the yelling about ladies" cassian asks
"Halloween party" mor says.
"Ooohhhhh really" says Elain,"that will be fun, we haven't had one in forever, we were always to poor. And with everything going on, well you get me."
" so it DECIDED" mor says. And thats  okay well, uhh okay I think
And just as fast as it started the conversation ended and we all just sat peacefully in the garden. For a while just talking.
A while later Amren, Azriel, and Rhys get back they were gone on a mission, they went to the summer court. And well Nesta is in her room right now. We're all in velaris though.
As soon as they come into sight mor brings back up the Halloween party.
"Guess what it's been decided" mor says.
"What's has" Rhys and Amren say at the same time.
"The Halloween party, duh" cassian says. At this Azriel only raises and eyebrow.
"Mor decided that we should have a Halloween party" I say, " we are going to have to start set up tomorrow."
"Halloween party, WHY DIDNT SOMEONE TELL ME!!" Nesta yells at all of us.
"Didn't want to disturb you, God just get over it woman, not that big of a deal" cassian says. God I swear those two just like arguing.
"Not that big of a deal" Nesta says with a glare. "It is a big deal IDIOT, I could have been busy."
"With what, you're social life? Haha that's funny cuz you have none" cassian spits back.
"I suggest you keep you're mouth shut" Nesta says with a death glare. And at this moment I suddenly believed the saying look can kill. Because she is like shooting daggers at him, with her eyes.
"God will you guys just shut up" says Amren " anyhow why are we having this Halloween party?"
"Umm because we deserve it, we've gone through a lot" Mor says
"Hehe, she's right about that you know. Plus it will be fun" I point out.
"Why though it's a mortal custom" Amren asks " and if you've forgotten none of us are mortal"
"Yeah but some of us *cough* me, Nesta, and Feyre *cough* have been" Elain says " so it's only right. And what's the harm?
"Fine, fine there's no changing mor's mind, tomorrow it is" Rhys says.
And with that its settled.
"Okay we're all getting up early to set up then." Mor says.
At this we all give out a groan, nooooooooo. "If you don't you'll regret it" Mor say scarily.
We all quickly say yes then. Mor can be really scary.
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I wake up in Rhys arms, comfortable beyond relief. Haha I still remember the times I would get so mad at him for getting in my bed, now though it's just great.
Well it is for a couple minutes until this.
Okay guys that's only part 1 of this Halloween special there will be 3 in all the next will be set up and lastly the party itself. Hope you enjoy.

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