Chapter 9

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Jason's POV 

Sam bared her teeth and wagged her finger towards Mr. Stepic. "You better start talking." she growled. Her best friend was missing and she wanted answers. She just couldn't believe Taylor's own father would keep her information a secret from everyone.

He sighed and took a seat. "You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. It is a family matter but since you all are close to Taylor I'll tell you, even though it's none of your business."

I slammed my hand on the table and glared at him. "No one cares. We just want to know where she is. Stop telling us unnecessary information and cut to the chase." It was his turn to growl. "Mind your mouth Jason. You know nothing about your mate so sit down and shut up." I was ready to argue but I felt Jess pull me down on my seat. "Listen to what he says." she whispered. I let out a loud huff and frowned.

"As I was saying, Taylor's story is.... Complicated. She is not like you, any of you." Francis raised his hand. "Francis you don't have to raise your hand." Mr. Stepic said with a heavy sigh. "She's an alpha, we know that." The old alpha shook his head tiredly. "Stop interrupting so I can finish."Everyone shut up and focused their attention on the alpha. "Yes, she may be an alpha, but she's also half-vampire." He waited for an uproar or interruption, but it didn't come. He cleared his throat and continued. "Her vampire genes were kept dormant due to a spell I ordered a which to cast on her at a young age. Unfortunately, her brother got to her and broke the damn spell." Tavon. Gabe spat venomously. "That nuisance has now activated her dormant genes and now she is the first known hybrid."

I sat in my seat unmoving. Everyone was looking around at each other with awed faces. Isn't this a good thing? She isn't in trouble. She's stronger than ever. Thank god there isn't something worse happening to her. "Taylor is now the strongest being on the planet that we know of. Maybe not the strongest compared to pureblooded werewolves or vampire royals, but she is stronger than any of you will ever be."

She was already stronger than almost everyone in the two packs, what the hell is she going to be like now? "I don't know where she is, I just know that the vampires have her. I promise I will find her and return her to us at any cost. Then we can help train her new strength and she can help our packs grow."

How could he have kept this secret from his daughter? She must be scared out of her mind right now. Especially since she's surrounded by vampire scum.

"How did she even get vampire genes if you're her father?" Justin asked. The alpha's face darkened. "Before my mate found me, she was in a relationship with a vampire." He spat. "She didn't tell me that they had a son before I was in the picture. After the vampire heard that Ellen found her mate, me, he decided to turn her. My wife didn't tell me that he bit her until Taylor was born. Oddly enough, she never actually turned. The venom went right to Taylor because Ellen was pregnant when she was bitten. Since the vampire bite went to Taylor, I decided to turn Ellen into a werewolf. I thought it would send the vampire the message that Ellen was mine and so was the baby."

I couldn't stop staring at him. He didn't once think to tell his daughter any of this?

"I didn't know what to do, so I got a witch involved. I told her to suppress Taylor's vampiric genes. The witch did what was told, but told me that suppressing one side would only confuse her if it was ever unlocked. I had no plans on letting her other side see the light of day." Mr. Stepic rubbed his forehead. "Her damn brother knew about everything and now she's in his hands. If I ever see him again I'm ripping him limb from limb. He's meddled with my family for too long."

Jess shook her head and stood up with her hand on her hip. "No, you will not. Like it or not, your wife gave birth to that vampire. He is Taylor's brother. Did you ever stop to think that she'd want to see him?" He stood there stunned. "But he's a vampi-"

It was Jess's turn to slam her hand on the table. "Who gives a hoot about if he's a vampire? I know werewolves and vampires have always had bad blood, but that does not mean that they are all bad people. Stop being such a closed-minded person and grow up."

Mr. Stepic shook his head. "All vampires have bad intentions. You should have learned that by now. Taylor can't be surrounded by those kinds of people, or she'll become like them."

"Did you even once think about the fact that Taylor is half-vampire? Did you ever ask yourself, what if Taylor likes being half-vampire? She deserves to learn about the other half of her and you know what? You don't deserve her." Jess folded her arms across her chest. "You have been a terrible father to her. You've hidden something from her that makes Taylor extraordinary. What happens if she wants to stay with them? Huh?"

She wouldn't do that. She needs us, her mate. There's no way she'd ever want to be with vampires. I hope so Jason. I miss her. Me too Gabe, me too. I cleared my throat and stood up. "So what's the plan to get her back?"

HAPPY HALLOWEEN GUYS!! It's been so long!!!! Sorry for the wait but here's the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts :) hope you liked it.

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