Chapter 8

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Jason's POV

I paced back and forth in my room. What the hell? Is Mr. Stepic hiding information from us? Why would he do that? How could he do that when he knows Taylor is out there needing our help? I turned towards my punching bag and threw a punch, sending it flying to the other side of my room with a thud. I have to tell the others. I quickly mind linked Chase.  

Chase, can you round up the crew and meet me at the basketball court asap?

Chase quickly replied. We're still out here finishing a game. 

I'll see you in a few minutes.

I ran out of my room and headed out. When I got to the court everyone was already there. "What's this about Jason?" Chase asked. I briefed everyone on what I'd heard from Mr. Stepic's phone call. "Nah, I don't believe Mr. S would do that." Francis said shaking his head. "He would never keep his daughter in danger. You know that. I think you need to take a shower and a long-needed rest from the whole situation." Jess nodded her head and place a hand on my shoulder that I quickly shrugged off.

"How can you not believe me about this? I wouldn't make it up. Taylor's in trouble and her father knows something about it. Aren't you curious?" 

Justin stepped towards me and patted my shoulder. " I would like to go ask the man himself if you don't mind." There were words of agreement from everyone. "Fine, if you can't take my word then let's go." I grumpily started walking towards the packhouse.

Unbelievable. They won't believe my word? Well, you have been a total asshole lately. Shut up Gabe. I'm just stating facts bud. I sighed and led the way to Mr. Stepic's room. Before I could knock I caught the scent of blood. I raised my hand for everyone to stop and stay quiet. I slowly and quietly cracked the door open to see a horrific scene.

Mr. Stepic had someone tied up in a seat with several deep cuts spread across his chest. Blood was spilling to the floor freely and the stench of vampire radiated from the prisoner. "Now you're going to tell me where your parasite friends are holding my daughter or I'm just going to kill you and find another one of your friends." The chained vampire lifted his head slightly and spat at Mr. Stepic. "Not happening mutt." The remark cost him another deep slash across the chest followed by a blood-curdling scream.

"You are a tough one, my friend. Unfortunately, my daughter doesn't have a lot of time and needs to be back home where she belongs. "You're a disgusting father! How can she call you father when you keep earth-shattering secrets from her?" The vampire started chuckling and coughing up blood. "She paid the price for your cowardice. Now she's with her true family." Before the vampire could utter another word Mr. Stepic slashed his throat. Blood splattered over the former alpha. "SHUT UP!" he bellowed repeatedly as he kept stabbing the lifeless body.

Once he was done with his meltdown he stood up and turned around. His eyes fell upon the sight of 8 shocked faces. I heard him curse under his breath. "What's going on here?" I asked keeping my distance. "I- I" Mr. Stepic seemed to be tongue-tied as he tried to think of an easy explanation, but there was none. "Why are you all here? I didn't hear a knock." He tried to turn the questions onto us, but I wasn't having any of it.

"I heard you in the conference room earlier today on the phone when I came in from the basketball court. I wanted to ask what all that was about." I crossed my arms and stood firm. "That is none of your concern Jason. You should not have heard any of that or seen any of this." Gabe had enough of this nonsense and took over. I angrily grabbed the alpha and slammed him against the nearest wall. 

"This is every bit of my concern, Sir." I snarled. "You have information about Taylor, my mate. So yes, you are obligated to share any information you have about her current state. I have worked my ass off the last month and you've been receiving information and not telling me. I have my men out looking for her around the clock. Hell, I've pushed all my friends away during this whole search. You better have a good excuse for keeping secrets, or I swear I will do much worse to you than you did to that vampire." Gabe's warning had the blood draining from the face of Mr. Stepic. Gabe gave back control with a snarl. I released the wolf and walked back to my friends. "We will be in the meeting room while you clean, whatever you want to call this mess, up."  

"Wow. That was badass Jason." Francis said as we made our way to the meeting room. Charlie and Max nodded their heads in agreement. We sat down at the table and waited for Mr. Stepic. He finally opened the door and stood at the head of the table. I glared at him in disgust. "Start talking."


Trying to get some more writing done before school starts! Hope you enjoyed! Please comment your thoughts and vote (:

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