Chapter 2

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Taylor's POV

Since the bite, everything has been pitch black. Am I dead? Is this what hell feels like? Empty and full of pain? I knew I should have stopped pranking Ben. I bet The Big Guy saw me throw my vegetables behind my refrigerator. Damn. 

I didn't understand why I was conscious. Why could I still think and feel? I couldn't move my limbs. I could only feel the fire that danced through my veins. Darkness was all I knew for a very long time. At first, all I could feel was the pain. Like my body was being torched from the inside. The wildfire spread from my neck to the rest of my body rapidly. Every nerve ending was scorched, no part of me was left untouched. After a while the flames didn't hurt, they just flicked warmth throughout my body.  I felt my body being destroyed and then rebuilt. After the burning, I could feel the sinews of my muscles growing and strengthening.  

One by one, I felt my body parts come back to me. I didn't have the energy to move my arms or legs, but I was aware they were mine to have once again. After gaining awareness of most of my body, I was able to hear the environment around me. I could tell that I was kept in a room with a steel door. The room I was kept in was small. There was a candle burning for light and I was aware of another person in the room at different times. As days passed the same person came into the room to check on me. I could hear outside voices, and smell the foods that were being served at every meal. I kept wondering why I could hear and smell these things.

The next step was trying to move. When I tried to move I realized I was strapped down by my arms and legs to a bed with chains made of steel combined with silver. For once in my life, the silver didn't burn me. I waited for the person to leave and I tested the durability of the chains. I pulled on them and they didn't budge.

Time went by and I tried keeping track of the days by the scent of food. Breakfast lunch and dinner each had distinct smells so telling time was easy. Whoever came to check on me checked on me 5 times each day from what I could tell. Once before breakfast and lunch. Two times before dinner and once after dinner. As each day passed, I could feel my body healing. The flames in my veins were less frequently felt.

It was around the last check of the day when I felt body demand to woken up. It wanted to run and to be free, to live.

The moment I opened my eyes was the moment when I knew my body was ready. Ready for what? I did not know. As I expected, there was a flickering candle on the wall. Then I saw him. Tavon. I instantly started thrashing around, trying to free myself from my chains. With an unknown strength, I broke both the chains keeping my arms captive. I grinned while Tavon looked at me in awe. I grabbed the cuff to one foot and snapped it like a dry piece of spaghetti. I threw the remains away and then liberated my other foot.

Without warning, I launched myself at Tavon and knocking him down. "My, my, my. It looks like you have made a full recovery." he chuckled as I gripped his neck lightly. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't decapitate you right here?" My voice came out raspy as if it had not been used for weeks. He laughed out loud annoying me to the utmost degree. I gripped his neck tighter causing him to cough as I crushed his windpipe.

"Don't you want to know what you are now? I'm sure you have noticed that your strength, speed, and senses have all been altered. Don't you want to know why you can't hear your own heartbeat?" I froze. I never realized that my heartbeat was absent. With my other hand, I frantically grabbed my chest. He was right. I didn't know anything about myself anymore.

I cleared my throat. "What am I then?" I asked impatiently. "Wouldn't you like to know?" he replied sarcastically.

I growled and tightened my hold on Tavon once again. "Stop doing that, dammit!" No. I wanted him dead. He is the reason I was confused. He is the reason I'm not with my mate. Jason. I narrowed my eyes and smirked at Tavon. "I'll go to the library for once in my life. It's probably more help than you are." I kept tightening my grip on his throat. He struggled to get out of my grip but my strength prevented him from breaking free.

"Taylor!" he wheezed. "I'm your brother for god's sake!" I stopped what I was doing and let go of his throat. "What?!" It didn't make any sense. How could he say that? "You are not my brother." Tavon stood hunched over, gasping for air and rubbing his neck. "I guess I never formally introduced myself to you in the mall huh? Well, Taylor Stepic, my name is Tavon, Tavon Stepic." he said with a smirk and a bow. "It's nice to properly meet you sis."


I missed writing :') I'm so glad my friends encouraged me to start writing again. Since school has started up and it is my last quarter I don't think I can update too much, but I will try! Don't forget to vote, comment and share! <3 

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