Bad Boy Love~ Part 25

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*Jake's P.O.V.* You're welcome ;)

Is she serious? She doesn't remember?

"Oh, yeah," she said while rubbing her eyes. "That," the sting in her words made me feel bad for her.

She was so beautiful. She is so beautiful.

What were you thinking? I argued with myself. You could have totally made out with her! Why did I stop?!

I didn't want to take advantage of her being drunk and feeling lonely. The voice rang again. I want her to actually want to kiss me because in that moment... She has strong feelings for me. I know she is just feeling abandoned and wants male comfort, but I don't want her to regret her desicion when she sobers up a bit more. I know she would regret her desicion...

Gosh Jake... What are you doing? This isn't me. Normally I would just grab the girl before she even said to kiss her... But Maya's different.

She exhaled deeply and slowly pulled herself so that she was resting on her forearms.

The sun was still low on the horizon and tall pine trees let a few light rays pass through their big branches. The sun rays slowly reached out towards us with their comforting warmth. The yellowish light making the morning dew seem to shimmer. The crickets slowly began to fade and the songs of birds began to take over the morning air. It was still a dark blue color all around us, and the only thing that gave any color was the small streams of the morning sun. A dense fog swirled around us and filled the air with grayness.

I looked over at Maya who's lips were purple.

"Are you okay? You look freezing," I said worried. She is definitely not dressed for Winter. It was easily 29 degrees Fahrenheit outside!

She let out a slight laugh through her teeth. She wrapped her arms around her upper torso and shivered violently.

"Here," I said, caving into her misery. I took off my black sweatshirt and handed it to her. I only had a thin black bro-tank on.

"Now you're going to freeze," she argued while nudging the sweatshirt back to me.

"At least I have some muscle to keep me warm. You are so tiny you'll get hypothermia in two seconds flat," I argued back while pushing the sweatshirt back into her arms.

"Thanks Mom," she joked while slipping on my warm sweatshirt. It was too big on her, but she needed it.

"Welcome," I smiled back while pulling the hood down so I could see her face. Wait, why do I want to see her face? It's so beautiful. I argued with myself.

She smiled at the giant sweatshirt and buried her face in her hands. Cute.

What the hell am I thinking?

I tried to snap out of this 'Being Nice to Her' stage and started to think of our next move considering her car. She has horrible automobile skills. I mean who doesn't check their oil regularly? Or even ask their boyfriend do it for them.

The thought hit me again.


The name brought a familiar foul taste to my tounge.

That bastard. I can't believe he would do that. He has always been a liar and a cheater ever since I knew him.

We were bestfriends in elementary through middle school. Then in high school he thought he was big sh*t just because he was first string quarterback on the football team. He started to be a jack@$$ to me, and then he shut me out and never talked to me again. He started dating Maya after a while because he knew that...

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