Bad Boy Love~ Part 34

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I didn't get much sleep after the encounter with Jake last night. After my Twilight related dream, I didn't want to go back to sleep. I didn't want to have a similar dream happen, or call Jake's name out again. I tossed and turned all night, and sleep never came. Thankfully.

I roll out of bed at 6:00. A new day has nearly started, and I wasn't going to lie awake in bed for another three hours. I immediately have to get up and pee. I have a squirrel bladder.

I can't believe Christmas Eve is tomorrow. I have always loved Christmas.

I put on exercise leggings and a thin t-shirt. I used to go on runs every morning, but my schedule was thrown off when I moved to this new house. I put my hair into a ponytail and slip on running shoes. I take my phone and some headphones with me so I can listen to music.

I go down to the kitchen and try to be as quiet as possible. Everyone is still asleep, and I don't want to wake them. I crack a few eggs in a bowl and begin to stir them.

"Hey," I hear a sleepy voice yawn.

I jump a little and snap my head up to see Jake standing in the kitchen doorway with only blue sweatpants on.

"Hi," I say while focussing back on the eggs. "Did I wake you up?"

"No," he states while walking over and opening the fridge. I can't focus with him shirtless. "Do you need help?"

I turn my head to look at him. Who is he and what has he done with the real Jake?

"Uh, I was just making eggs for me. I thought everyone was still going to be asleep and they would be cold by the time you all woke up. Do you want any?"

"Yeah," he says and stands next to me. "Need help?" he chuckles.

"Sure," I say and crack a few more eggs in the bowl for Jake. "Just put some bread in the toaster. I will cook the eggs."

"Okay," he yawns and drags his feet as he opens the pantry.

I pour the eggs into a pan and turn on the stove.

"Where is the fucking bread?" he mumbles while pushing things around.

I laugh, "You don't cook often, do you?"


That doesn't surprise me.

I squeeze past him into the small pantry. "Up there," I point up to a tall shelf. I can't reach that.

"Here," he says while reaching up and grabbing it for me.


We make eggs, toast, and chopped pineapple. They didn't have bacon, which I don't even think should be legal. Jake barely knew where anything was, but he was a big help when it came to cutting the pineapple and putting bread in the toaster. I didn't trust him with the eggs, no matter how many times he told me he was a good cook. I thought he would burn the house down.

I sit down on one of the four stools that face the counter and begin to eat my breakfast. To my surprise, Jake pulls the chair out next to me and sits down with his plate.

I awkwardly chew a piece of pineapple as we sit there in silence.

"So, how do you know Zach?" he questions.

"Katie got a call from a guy that wanted to take her to the movies. Zach was his friend that tagged along," I say. He is all up in my business.

"Stay away from him," he warns in a monotone voice

I scoff, "And why is that?" I ask.

"Because," he says. Wow, what a compelling argument.

"Okay," I smirk while continuing to eat my eggs.

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