°Chapter 4°

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A/N: I've been telling you guys that I would show you a picture of what I imagine Keiji looking like, but I've yet to do that. I forgot all about it until now. So I finally looked up a picture, and I found a pretty decent one. This is DMTN's Simon (I think). I've never listened to their music; today was the first time I had ever seen their faces, but they're all pretty attractive (especially their leader). Simon, like Keiji, is also half Korean and half Japanese. Simon was born(?) and grew up in Seattle(?). I believe that's what the site said, however I could be wrong because as I've said before, this is my first time ever seeing him.

If you don't imagine Keiji looking like this, that's okay. Just imagine him looking like someone else. The picture is just there for people that have a hard time making up people in their head. However, I will not be putting a picture of Akira (or any OC whose POV my stories are mostly told from) because I do want you to imagine her in your own way. Only on rare occasions will I do that. Even though she is an OC, I still want you to imagine that you are her. So imagine her looking like you, or like a model. It doesn't matter. I personally imagine her with very average looks.

The last thing I want to talk about is the author's note I had at the end of the last chapter. I said that I might start off this chapter with talking about Daichi and Akira's outing together. Well, I've decided to do something different. And I hope you like it!!

And that concludes the unnecessarily long author's note. Enjoy reading!

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I stared up at the ceiling with a blank look in my eyes. I felt nothing; I was numb. After my outing with Daichi, I had locked myself up in my room. I had locked myself up in my room for about three days, and I absolutely refused to leave unless I had to go to school, use the restroom so badly I felt I would burst, or I was on the brink of death due to dehydration/starvation (very dramatic exaggerations, but who cares?).

Yoshikawa tried on numerous occasions to get me to come out to eat breakfast or dinner, but I didn't budge. I just couldn't face her yet without the possibility of breaking down and crying. Especially after what Daichi said to me.


Daichi and I had been sitting in the Café talking for about 15 minutes now. The conversation we were having was very pleasant as we reminisced about the way things used to be. The atmosphere was absolutely peaceful and calm. For a moment, I felt like I was a part of one of those dramas I watched on TV. Everything was perfect.

At least that was until we somehow got on the topic of when I had temporarily moved to South Korea for a few years.

"So, Akira-chan, you never did tell me why you left to Korea. You left so suddenly, I couldn't even greet you farewell," he said, curiosity and slight hurt bouncing around in his eyes. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. The reason why I had to leave to Korea was a bit of a touchy subject and it brought along many painful memories.

But I couldn't just leave him hanging. We had come so far in our conversation. We had opened up and shared a few secrets with one another to help us get back to the friendship we used to have. And I didn't want to be the one to ruin chances of becoming the friends we were (and, if I'm lucky, maybe more). However, I couldn't find a way to put it in words that wouldn't make me bawl.

I guess he could sense how uncomfortable I was because he said, "If I'm asking too far past my limits, please let me know." "No," I shook my head. "I'm okay. It's just...the reason I left was that of my father's passing." I looked down at my hands that were nearly placed on the table top and continued. "My mother and I were slowly being smothered in a house, then eventually a town full of his memories. It hurt too much to be here. We needed a break. So we decided to move to Korea for a bit and stay with my mother's family."

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