°Chapter 3°

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Akira's room is the one behind that plant. I'm pretty sure that that might be a pantry, but who cares? It's a bedroom now! So ignore the plant that's in the way!!


I woke up the next morning due to my alarm clock blaring loudly in my ears. I flung my hand out from under the covers to hit it so it would turn off. But, it didn't work out the way I thought it would because the second my hand made contact with my alarm clock, it somehow flew from my bedside table and onto my head.

"Owwww!" I whined while turning off the stupid alarm clock. I pushed the sheets off of my head and immediately regretted it because sunlight instantly blinded me. "Ughhh!" I groaned. "Guess I better start getting ready for school." I mumbled to myself as I threw my covers off of my body.

I climbed out of my bed and and straightened out the sheets and pillows before making it. After that, I walked to my dresser and a neatly folded school uniform off the top and set it out across my bed.  I then searched through one of my many suitcases and grabbed a fresh pair of undergarments and set them out next to my uniform. I made sure that I had everything set up in my bag so I wasn't rushing to find my things right before I had to go to school; I could just grab and go.

After double checking everything, I grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush, and made my way out of my room and to the washroom. I didn't see anyone else in the living space, so I just assumed that they were in their rooms getting ready. My assumptions were proven wrong not long after.

I was a few steps from the door when I suddenly heard a scream and saw Yoshikawa rush out of the washroom and to her room. "Yoshikawa?!" I called out to her, watching her slam her bedroom door. "If there's a bug in the washroom, I'll kill it!" I walked around the corner to the bathroom still looking in her direction, but she never answered. "You don't have to run aw-" I cut myself off at what I had witnessed. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

I had made the worst mistake of my life! I had just seen Uehara Hisashi in all of his nakedness!! Now I know why she ran away screaming. This was the biggest and ugliest bug I'd ever seen in my life!

And there's only one thing you do with bug, ugly bugs.

(then run away screaming)

And that's exactly what I did!

I threw whatever was in my hands on the floor and at him before I ran away, screaming even more. I ran into my room and slammed my door shut as hard as I could, pressing my back up against the door.

'I can never unsee what I've just seen!' I think to myself. 'I'm going to have to scrub my eyes with an S.O.S. pad and bleach!!'

I quickly jerked my body from the door and walked over to my bed to get dressed. I stripped myself of all my clothing and put on my fresh undergarments and uniform. I put my dirty clothes in a basket beside my dresser, grabbed my bag, and walked to the door to go finish getting ready for school. My hand hesitated over the doorknob. I didn't want to have to face him after I had just seen all of him. My face flushed red with embarrassment at the thought. I sighed and shook my head, deciding that I'd have to face him eventually.

I twisted the knob slowly and peeked my head out the door, only to be greeted by silence. I looked up and could see the shadows of both Yoshikawa and Uehara walking around in their rooms from under their doors. I took that as my cue to quickly make my way towards the washroom and clean myself up. I saw my toiletries sitting on the shelf next to Yoshikawa's and Uehara's. "Hmm. I guess he picked it up for me."

I continued to clean up and make myself look presentable, the whole while looking at the shower longingly. I wasn't able to get a shower last night or this morning, but I'll definitely get one today after school!

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