°Chapter 2°

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'You've got to be kidding me.'

"Oh~I get it. You're in the wrong building." Yoshikawa said putting her hand down. "No, it's this one."  Uehara replied like the kow-it-all he is. She looked around to try and think of something else to say. "So, maybe you have the wrong floor?" she suggested. Uehara took a look at his key, then said, "Nope, definitely the third floor."

I rolled my eyes at all of this useless talk. "Look, I was assigned this room, on this floor, in this building. I know where I'm at. However, I don't think you do." We were enveloped in silence until a voice was heard. "Sorry to interrupt, but we'll bring your things up now."

We all turned our heads in the direction of the door. It was the moving people.



This was so absurd!!!

We all grabbed our contracts to try to find out how the problem started. We sat the contracts beside each other and compared them.

'Wh-what the...' My jaw dropped and my eyes opened wide. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The contracts were EXACTLY the same!!

"This can't be!" Uehara quickly took out his phone and dialed the real estate office's number. It didn't even ring once; it went straight to the voice message system.

"The number you've dialed has been disconnected."

We all looked down at the lease and tried to think of what to do. "What now?" asked Yoshikawa. Uehara didn't reply. All he did was grab his lease and head towards the door with a simple "Let's go." We looked at each other before following behind him. "Hang on a second! Where are we going?" she called, but he didn't answer.

We found ourselves standing outside of the supposed real estate office hoping to get some answers and a little bit of help. But, all we found was an abandoned building. Spray paint telling us that the business was closed for good covered the walls. We stood there once again pondering what our next move should be.

"I know a woman that might be able to help us." Uehara said walking away. "What?" Yoshikawa and I were once again left confused, but we still followed behind him.

The next place we ended up was the home of a nice old lady. We sat across the table waiting patiently as she looked over our contracts. "Hmm. You three have found yourselves in quite the predicament haven't you?" She looked up at us and sighed. "This is a contract scam."

"Scam?!" is what came from Uehara and Yoshikawa.

"So it really is a scam?" is what came from me. "Keiji was right?" I whispered to myself. There was no way I was going to tell him this or else I'd never live it down. 

"Mhmm. Usually, there would be key money, but in this case, there is none." the older woman said. "In addition, they have taken three lots of fees from all of you and run away." The woman took a sip of her tea before continuing, "You normally hear about double contract scams. It's very rare to see a triple contract scam. People tend to have their tracks retraced when making such a risky decision."

"Oh no..." Yoshikawa pouted. Uehara looked like he was still processing all of the new information. "You mean we can't get our money back?"

"Probably not possible." the woman replied. "The scammers you're dealing with clearly know what they're doing, and have quite possibly done it many times before. It would be nearly, if not completely impossible to catch the ones responsible."

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