Chapter 24: Chanclas and Connections With The Italian Mafia

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"Lavender, are you done taking photos yet?!" I groan at her for the millionth time as Kaitlin and Mack wonder the same thing in their heads. We have currently taken up an hour just for posing for Lavender's photos. If that's not the saddest thing I've ever said, I have no clue what is. All three of us are currently getting humiliated by the adults that are all currently surrounding us.

"You're done when I say you're done!" She shouts as the flash goes off, blinding the three of us in the process. I cross my arms over my chest as Lavender moves to a new position, getting a new angle.

"Do you hear that?" I pause and put my hand behind my ear for dramatic effect, "I think I hear the phone ringing from inside!" I point towards the house frantically.

"I don't hear any-" before Kaitlin can say anymore, I quickly jab her in her ribs.

"Oh, who cares. People call me everyday, they can wait a couple of minutes." Lavender huffs. More like an hour if she keeps this up.

"I'm pretty sure I heard the I.D. caller say 'Cherry and Sienna', your best friends!" I gasp, watching as Lavender hesitantly stands up. She looks over at me and raises her one eyebrow, then proceeds to walk to the house.

"Success! Nows our time to run!" I shout as I intertwine both of my arms with one of Mack's and Kaitlin's. I quickly run into the backseat of the closest car I see. Thankfully, it's my father and mothers car we ran into.

"Step on it, elderly people!" I shout to my dad, getting prepared to get slapped upside the head with a slipper by my mom. At least I'm directly behind her, she'd have a harder time reaching for me.

"No can do, kiddo," My father humors me as he holds up the car keys, "It seems I've lost my keys!" I groan out loud as I see Lavender step back outside of the house, searching for the three missing teenagers when she suddenly spots us in the car.

"Please, Dad!" I practically beg him, "my ankles hurt from standing in these neck-breakers for Lavender's photos!"

"Alright, alright, calmati!" He holds up his one hand as he turns the keys, turning on the car.

"Cariño, our daughter is both Italian and Latino, it's genetically impossible for her to calm down." My mother says from the passenger seat, putting her hand on my dads free hand.

"Stop! I need more pictures!" I hear Lavender shout at us from the grass, causing our mom to wave goodbye to her. I roll down my window as we pass her, sticking my tongue out at her as I send her a wink.

"We made a perfect family, didn't we?" My mom gives my dad goo-goo eyes, causing him to frantically look from the road to her.

"Sí, mi amor." My dad comments, causing mom to let out a toothey smile.

"Ti amo, cara mia." Mom smiles as they both slowly lean into each other, embracing each other with a kiss.

"Okay, ew!" I shout as I make gagging noises, covering my eyes with my hands, "it's bad enough that I have to see this, but my friends too!"

"This is why Violet was voted the least dramatic one in the family." I hear my mom mutter, pulling away from dad. "We're just around the corner, guys!" My mom mentions excitedly.

"You can time it down a couple more notches, it's not like it's prom." I mention to her as I look out of the window just as we pull up to the school.

"I'm not afraid to hit you with my chancla in front of your friends, keep that in the back of your mind." My mom makes eye contact with me through the side mirror, making me slowly slink in my seat. "You all look absolutely lovely tonight, I hope you have a divine time!"

"Thank you for the ride, Mr. and Mrs. Adeline!" Kaitlin and Mack say in unison, exiting the car with me trailing behind them before my mom stops me.

"Ivory, can we quickly talk to you for a second?" I stop dead in my tracks, motioning for Mack and Kaitlin to go on without me. I turn towards them both, waiting for them to speak.

"You do realize that we didn't send you over to Lavender's because...we 'didn't have time', right? It's just...I know how it feels to be the youngest in the family and have all of your siblings leave. It's tough and we were worried about you, you were slowly disconnecting from everyone and we though you'd be better off with Lavender. Especially knowing how close you two were with each other in the house." My mom says, waiting for my reaction. My confusion slowly slides into a smile and I nod my head at them. "She's smiling, I think there's still something wrong." My mom looks over at my dad worriedly.

"No, I mean, our family isn't exactly known for being subtle. I knew about that being the reasoning behind me getting sent to Lavender's. For that...I guess I'd like to thank you guys, not only for being wonderful parents who raised all of us wonderfully, but for knowing what's the best for us, thank you mom and dad." I quickly say as I watch my mom put a hand up to her heart, her eyes getting watery. I roll my eyes and climb into the backseat again, throwing my arms around both of them as they smother me with their old people cooties. Gosh, I really am turning into Lavender by the second.

"Now, get out! You don't wanna miss the whole dance because of us!" My mom shoos me out of the car and I step back with a laugh.

"And remember Ivory, no boys allowed. And if anyone tries to start anything with you, tell them your old man still has connections with the Italian mafia down in-" Before my dad can continue, I quickly cut him off.

"I'll make sure to use that piece of information on my resume when I become an FBI agent." I send them a small wave as I make my way around the car and into the school's gym. You've got to love the smell of jock strap at school dances. I quickly make my way over to Mack and Kaitlin when I spot them standing besides the bleachers.

"There. Marcus Thornberry." Kaitlin sighs as she writes his name in cursive letters on top of an envelope. "Whew. I'm nervous! Someone tell me I'm not gonna get my heart broken tonight!" Kaitlin turns around and looks both Mack and I in our eyes.

"Don't look at me." I hold my hands up defensively, watching Kaitlin squint her eyes at me, quickly turning towards Mack.

"Do you hear that? I also think that I hear my home phone ringing." Mack mutters as Kaitlin grumbles under her breath, rolling her eyes at us.

"It's fine! It doesn't matter, all I want to do is get this confession off of my chest and have fun for the rest of the night." Kaitlin closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, then reopens them again with determination in them. "Here goes nothing." Kaitlin ungracefully runs up to the booth, shoving her card into the box.

"Let's cross our fingers so everything can work out perfectly." Mack sheepishly smiles as I see his fingers cross over one another.

"Unlikely." I whisper as I also cross my own.

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