Chapter 1: An Aunt Emergency

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Ashley Boettcher as Ivory-Lynn Daisy Adeline.

^Anyone notice how Ashley kinda looks like Blake Lively in this picture, or is it just me?

^Anyone notice how Ashley kinda looks like Blake Lively in this picture, or is it just me?

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Anywhore, Enjoy zee chapter!

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Anywhore, Enjoy zee chapter!


"What?!" I shriek, flailing my arms around. This is madness, chaos, how dare they do this to me! I sit down on the kitchen chair, holding my throbbing head with my hand.

"We won't have enough time to pick you up and take you to school and since you're not old enough to drive, we had no choice." My mother explains to me. Had no choice my ass.

"Sometimes I think you two just love to torture me." I hiss at them, making sure they know how angry I am at them.

"She's your sister, Ivory." Dad says to me. Pfft, if I had a choice I wouldn't even be related to that idiot.

"I'm your daughter, parents." I narrow my eyes at the both of them.

"Come on, it can't be that bad. It's Lavender we're talking about here!" My mom puts on a smile.

"The same daughter that ran over the neighbors mail box when she had a drivers test. The same daughter that slipped on banana peels multiple times. The same daughter that thinks I'm an overgrown sewer rat?!" I shout at them, making sure to get my point across.

"Yes, that daughter." Mom nods her head at me vigorously while I groan out at her. Ridiculous! Absolute ludicrous!

"You two are impossible." I stand up from the chair, stomping all the way upstairs. I groan the whole time I pack my bags up and all that crap.

"Hey, rat face!" Lavender shouts at me, waving her arms in the air frantically. I crunch my noise up in distaste, turning back around to face my parents.

"Oh hell no, I'm not doing this." I shake my head at them vigorously.

"Watch your mouth." My mom scolds me.

"I can't watch my mouth it's apart of my face." I roll my eyes at her.

"Smart ass."

"Wow, my ass sure does have a lot of qualities going for it today. First, it's called dumb. Now, it's called smart. People should really make up their minds." I mutter sarcastically, obviously not in the mood.

"Ivory, I hope you know that just because we're in public doesn't mean I won't take off my shoe and hit you with it." My mom glares at me and I wave my hand at her dismissively.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I sigh, picking up my bags and walking all the way to her doorstep.

"Not surprised to see your attitude still hasn't changed." Lavender says to me and I furrow my eyebrows at her.

"You last saw me this week."

"Oh, yeah." She racks her already empty brain probably looking for how to stop being an idiot and remember things properly.

"Idiot." I walk past her and into the house.

"Hey! I heard that." She shouts, shutting the front door.

"I couldn't care less." I smile sarcastically at her.

"Well, welcome to our humble abode!" She shouts to me, doing jazz hands. She may be an adult but, she still has the brain of a toddler.

"Looks more like a hell hole because you're here..." I trail off, setting my baggage on the ground, not caring if I hurt her feelings or not.

"Would you rather be sleeping on the sidewalk or staying here?" She raises her eyebrow at me, placing her hands on her jutted out hips. What a classic mom move.

"Do you want me to answer your question honestly or do you want me to be nice and spare your feelings?" I question her, knowing she knows that I can't be nice if my life depended on it. She groans at me, obviously irritated by my presence already.

"You're hopeless." She lets out a long sigh and I nearly laugh.

"Says the girl who couldn't even tell that her husband was falling for her in high school!" I snap at her, rolling my eyes.

"I didn't know!" She whines, stomping her foot on the ground like a little child going through a tantrum. "Besides, I could say the same thing about you!" She points at me as if she knows everything. She doesn't.

"What're you talking about?" I fold my arms over my chest, narrowing my eyes into slits at her.

"I'd love to tell you all about it but, would you look at the time..." She trails off while I continue to glare at her. "Time to go to sleep!" She pushes me into my 'new' room and closes the door.

"It's still daytime, you idiot!" I shout at her from behind the door. I groan, flopping down onto the bed and furrow my eyebrows when I see multiple beds in the room. Oh right, she actually repopulated with her husband.

I take my phone out of my back pocket, texting my friend ever since we were nine, Kaitlin. 'Guess who's staying at her sisters house whose husband is your brother?' I send to her, waiting for her to reply.

'Who?' She replies back with and I roll my eyes.

'Me!! Idiot.' I send back to her. Almost a second later I'm feeling my phone vibrate from someone calling me. I answer it, knowing who it is already.

"Since when?!" Kaitlin hollers into the phone.

"Since now." I mutter flatly.

"What's happening?" I hear Mack question from his phone.

"An emergency! An aunt emergency!" Kaitlin screeches, making me want to end the call.


"Must I explain to you every time, Mack?!" She groans, taking a deep breathe of air. Oh no. "Me and Ivory's siblings have been married to each other for about 6 years and have 3 children already. They got married when they were 20 after they had Jezebel, the eldest who's 5. Which means they had Sterling a year after they were married so he's 4. They also have Shy who just turned 3. They're expecting another child soon and we're the aunt of their children." Kaitlin explains really fast, making her out of breathe when she finished.

"Why's it an emergency?" Mack questions, being able to keep up with Kaitlin's fast explanation.

"Because!" She squeals. "It means we get to see them more often since Ivory lives there now!"

"But, Kyle is your brother. You can go there whenever you like..." Mack trails off.

"Don't question me!" She shouts at him and I roll my eyes at them.

"Stop flirting you two." As if on impulse they both let out disgusted noises.

"Eww!" They shout in unison and I raise an eyebrow. Eww, I'm already turning into Lavender.


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

I'm so tired.


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