Chapter 5: The Adeline Family Tree

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Selena Gomez as Lavender Smith ;)

Slay, mom, slay.

Enjoy the chapter!


After the little hug between me and Zayne, we went our separate ways like practically every day.

"Thank god you're back, do you know how much Mack was annoying me?!" A pair of arms wrap around me, causing me to stop in my place. I raise an eyebrow as I look to the table, seeing Mack just reading a book quietly.

"He's just reading a book." I look at Kaitlin flatly when she releases me.

"Exactly. Him reading a book annoys me, so does his face." She decides to add in.

"Sometimes I worry about your mental state of mind..." I trail off.

"You're home!" Lavender squishes me into her arms, her round stomach stabbing me.

"What is it with people and hugging me today!" I snap, irritated that I'm constantly surrounded.

"I thought you wouldn't make it." Lavender releases her hold and looks at me with a serious expression on her face.

"What do you mean, 'wouldn't make it.'" I narrow my eyes at her.

"With your attitude all the time, I would've thought that you've gotten beaten to a pulp..." She trails off with a small smile on her face, shrugging.

"I'm perfectly capable of defending myself." I put my hands on my hip.

"Really now? Do you have the most powerful weapon in the world in your bag right now?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"I do because you forced me to stick this rusty fork in my bag." I place my bag on the floor. "It was stabbing me through my bag the whole day." I sigh.

"See, you weren't prepared. You didn't correctly place it in your bag." She nods her head at me as if she knows everything in the whole world. I roll my eyes, dragging my bag all the way up the stairs to my bedroom.

"Quickly! Keep this safe away from Shy and Sterling!" Jezabel tosses me a book which I catch in the air. I furrow my eyebrows looking down at the book. Just as I'm about to ask a question she leaves the room. Great.

"Ivory!" Sterling rushes into the room, panting while holding little Shy. "Did you see Jezabel?" He takes a breathe between every word.

"Nope." I shake my head at him, popping the 'p.' I watch him grumble, walking out of the room, dragging Shy. I shake my head, opening up the mysterious book. Wow, a family wedding book. How original. I roll my eyes, looking at all the pictures in the book.

Sage and Michael Adeline.

Sage met Michael in Highschool before he came out as gay.

Lavender and Kyle Smith.

Lavender and Kyle also met in Highschool.

Violet and Alex Jones.

Violet and Alex were friends but, they started dating in Highschool. Am I the only one starting to see a pattern here? I flip the page and see my mother and father.

Dante and Esmeralda Adeline.

On a trip, my mother was visiting France and met my father. Naturally, they didn't know how to communicate with each other because they spoke two different languages. They fell in love and taught each other how to speak English. They lived happily ever after, the end. I see my aunt and uncle in the next page.

Elvira and Alejandro Garcia.

Met in Highschool, bla bla bla.

I go through the rest of the book, seeing more marriages between family members who met in Highschool. Supposedly, it's a blessing for the Adeline tree to find the love of their lives in Highschool.

You could say it's a coincidence but, when you see your whole family marry someone who they met in Highschool, you start to have your doubts that it's just a coincidence. I've had this talk multiple times with my family on how to not worry and I'll find 'the one.'

But, I have to's pretty stressful knowing to always be on alert to make sure you don't miss anyone or an opportunity or anything like that.

I sigh, closing the book, putting it aside on the table. I rub my eyes, grabbing through my backpack and pulling out a pen and some homework that I have to finish.


So, what do you think is up with the Adeline family tree?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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