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YO! Let me introduce myself! I'm Jung Whee In, but you can call me puppwhee too. This story's gonna be about a weird yet sweet love i experienced. Sit tight, cause the ride's gonna be rough.

So i'm your average kind of girl, 21 years old, 162 cm, currently a second year in the department of fine arts in a normal university. Basically, i'm a super ordinary girl with couple of close friends and just spending hours between school, home, work and prolly some night outs too. But the brunt of all is, I HAVE NO BOYFRIEND!!!!! I question myself everyday... really. I mean isn't the perfect girlfriend equation like : Jung Whee In = Cute+smart+fun = ideal ??? But... i guess equations don't work in real life, so this equals to no boyfriend :/ Okay, i'm not boy crazy but having no boyfriend for the past what, 6 years? Hey, i can be a little worried here right?

So let's get on with the story and cue cliche intro.


"Ughhhh.." I groaned as i rolled around in bed, trying to savour the last few moments of bliss before the cruel day starts.

As i painstakingly forced myself to sit up and get ready, i took a quick glance at my phone.


I urgently leapt out of my bed and begun stuffing my art materials into my old and musty duffel bag.

"CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! I CAN'T AFFORD TO BE LATE!" My inner self-screamed in my head, steadily tripping into a swirl of anxiety and apprehension. I couldn't care less for a morning shower and slipped into yesterday's jeans and a random plain black tee lying on my bedroom floor.

"I'M SO GONNA GET IN TROUBLE, SHIT." I raced out of my apartment with a leftover sandwich hanging from my mouth; my hair comparable to a bird's nest; my bag barely hanging from the edges of my shoulder.

Running at max speed (actually just roughly 45 steps till i get absurdly exhausted), i desperately tried to flag down the bus that just left the bus stop.


"Hiashhh" I angrily sighed and turned around to sit when I accidentally bumped into a dude, face-first into his chest.

"Omo, I'm so so sorry! I really didn't see you there." seeing remnants of my sandwich on his shirt, I instinctively brushed it away.

My fingertips made contact with his chest, feeling the firmness that was hidden beneath the shirt.

Immediately, i snapped back to reality and rapidly retracted my hand. "Oh know you've got tiny bits and pieces of a sandwich there haha, justt.. just wanted to swipe it off.. wipe wipe?" I smiled nervously while doing the wiping motion.

As his head tilted upwards, I could see all his facial features, lush eyebrows, large captivating eyes, perfectly straight nose and full and firm lips.

He slightly parted his lips to say something but none of it was transmitted to my brain. Awestruck by the beauty that was in front of me, my brain went into full drive mode.

"Could you please turn your head sideways?" I whispered softly.

Seeing that it wasn't much of a trouble but still a weird request, he cocked his eyebrow in confusion while turning his head 90 degrees to the right.

From analyzing golden ratios from one too many pictures last semester, I carefully examined his side profile and it's not a mystery but his side profile actually fits a golden ratio and also the ideal proportions of a face.

Fascinated by this living, breathing masterpiece, I muttered, "Can't you just be my model?"

"Wait, what?..." He squinted his eyes and gave me a questioning look.

"Oh shitttt errr i TOTALLY didn't mean it in a weird way, its just that I have a major assignment due and I kinda need a model and you like have the most perfect ever that I definitely love to draw but cos asking a stranger to do it is freaking weird so just ignore me sorry bye." I spat out those words like a programmed robot without thinking it over.

An awkward silence fell over the atmosphere and I was about to turn and run away in embarrassment when he started to laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHA why are you so funny?"

With me now giving the questioning look, he wiped off the tears from the corners of his eyes and half smiling, said "You are such an interesting person. What's your name?"

Being unable to process the entire situation, I slowly uttered my name, "I'm Jung Whee In......?"

"Right, okay Whee In, I can be your model , just give me your phone."


"Didn't you hear me? I said to give me your phone." He took the phone I was grasping and punched in some numbers.

"This is my number, just give me a call or message and we can arrange something I guess."

"I better get going now, nice to meet you Whee In!" He said with a wide smile plastered on his face.


As he walked off into the shopping district, I was still left hanging, with that phone in my hand, not knowing what in the world just happened.

Just then, my phone rang and I glanced at the screen.

Hwasa was calling and I immediately picked up.

"Yo, you in school or what? I can't seem to find you."

Quickly regaining my senses, I desperately replied: "SHIT I'M REALLY LATE NOW."

"Quit yammering and get on the move or prof's gonna get you."

"You're right...shit I gotta grab a cab, call you later, bye."


As i hopped into a cab, the strange occurrence this morning was totally put back by the imminent death of JungWheeIn by the hands of the professor, Bang Si Hyuk...

To be continued.

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