Chapter 4

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I looked up to see a grim look on taehyung's face and he uttered one sentence. "May I come in?" 

Stunned, I simply motioned him to enter the door while my brain was still processing the previous images.

Blood? Did he get hurt? It doesn't seem like his.  ...Someone else's blood? But whose? And why? What happened? Is Taehyung okay? Did he... hurt someone? Questions raced through my mind as my eyes tailed Taehyung into the living room. 

"Do you want some hot cocoa? I just stocked up on it this morning." I asked gingerly, voice laced with concern.

"Thanks, Wheein. That would be great." Taehyung said with a flat tone, not looking me in the eyes.

I was slightly taken aback as I've never seen taehyung so lifeless and drained as if all life has been sucked out of him, leaving an empty shell. Nevertheless, it was not the time to dwell on it as my first priority was to help taehyung right now.

"I think there are some oversized clothes in my closet and sweatpants I'm sure you can fit in. Feel free to take a bath while I whip up some cocoa for you. The bathroom is to the left of the bedroom. I think you'll find the clothes in the top and middle drawer." I blabbered on, giving instructions as I slowly forgot the gripping scene I saw earlier.

After setting taehyung's cup on the table, I sat down to continue my dinner. While hearing the shower running (it was a small apartment), I brooded over the blood stains I saw and taehyung's lifeless self. Deciding that it was not up to me to ask but for taehyung to mention when he feels comfortable enough, I settled back into my seat in comfort and started to watch episode 12 of goblin, trying to act as normal as ever. However, being a fickle-minded human, the persistent questions began looping in my mind and my heart never stopped leaping from when I saw taehyung at the doorway.

Just then, taehyung walked into the living room, wearing my clothes that fitted him to a T.  I gave him a weak smile and patted the seat next to mine where his drink was placed. Establishing that no one was in the mood to converse, I gave one of my earbuds to taehyung and we binged on goblin for a couple of hours while sharing my dinner and promptly proceeded to snack afterwards. 

"Hey Wheein, do you mind if I stayed here for a few days?" Taehyung asked, clearly remorseful with his head hung low.

"You can stay here as long as you want. After all, you are my muse and I am indebted towards you too. If you feel bad, then just let me draw you. Sounds fair right?" I replied gently while firmly grasping taehyung's hands which seemed so small then.

"Thank you," Taehyung muttered while tilting his head upwards to look directly at me, breaking a smile for the first time that night.

1am rolled in and taehyung decided to sleep on the floor next to my bed. 

Tossing and turning as taehyung was literally on the floor next to my bed, I struggled to fall asleep. Waves of guilt washed over me as the weather turned for worse and the room started to turn cold, not mentioning the floor.

"Taehyung, are you asleep?" I whispered softly into the darkness.

"Mmmm.... not yet." His voice echoed from the bottom of my bed.

"Do you...want to sleep up here? I asked gingerly.

"...I'm fine down here," Taehyung replied with a pause.  

"Sleep up here. Please?" I asked again, as my voice grew louder with worry.

Without a word, I saw a black figure slowly rising up from the floor, lifting up the duvet cover before crawling into the bed, feeling his weight beside me as the bed sunk with his movement. Warm radiated from my right as taehyung was now lying next to me. I could barely trace out his outline in the dark but nevertheless, I felt him curl up into a ball, his vulnerability was as clear as day.

However, this time around, it was taehyung that gripped onto my hands.

"Can we just stay let this for a while?" 

In reply, I returned his grip and felt his slender and long fingers that were unbelievably rough. As we shared each other's body heat under the duvet covers and confirming taehyung's presence through his grip,  I drifted off to sleep, wishing this won't ever be forgotten.

Dawn broke as sunlight filtered through the curtains and its warm rays shone upon us, urging us to wake up. As I opened my eyes, I saw taehyung still sound asleep. His natural beauty was as evident as ever, looking akin to an angel. Warmth swelled up from within as I saw how taehyung was exposing his weak self and completely trusting me to sleep as soundly as he did then. 

Looking slightly downwards, I saw our hands intertwined from last night and I couldn't help but smile.  

AN: Short chapter again :( I'm sorry. I'm hoping to slowly roll out the next few days of taehyung and wheein living together so look forward to it! Also, I changed the cover of the book!(finally) What do you guys think about it? Hoping to keep the momentum going and publish more chapters on the following days :) Also, I really like reading the comments from you guys :) It puts a smile on my face and makes me want to write better chapters! Hope you liked this chapter!! <3

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