Chapter 10 ~ Everyone Has Different Ways To Recover

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Kind of something to show how Ryder and Ryley are getting on with their lives after their break up.



Ryley was so grateful when she woke up the day after Sectionals to remember it was a Saturday and she could just stay home for the weekend. Checking the time, she noticed it was 10am. She lifted her head off the pillow and her hand felt a damp spot on the pillow. She must've been crying in her sleep. She sighs and gets out of her bed.

Her dads' were still at the hospital with her dad don't wanting to leave her daddy's side. So she was home alone. The house was so quiet as she made her way down the stairs and went to the kitchen. She didn't want toast or cereal or something people normally have for breakfast so she decided to be different; she grabbed a small tub of cookies and cream ice-cream out of the freezer part of the fridge and grabbed a spoon.

She sat down with the ice cream on the couch. She turned on the TV and the first thing she found was a movie. To be exact, Alvin And The Chipmunks 2: The Squeakuel. She saw Zachary (freaking) Levi's face as the character Toby in the movie so she didn't change the channel. She just watched it, eating her ice cream.

If this is how a stereotypical girl gets over a break up then Ryley shall follow a stereotype. She will eat ice-cream and watch movies.

She begins to wonder how stereotypical guys get over break ups. Do they eat ice cream too? Do they cry? Or do they do the whole stereotypical guy thing and play video games? Maybe they immediately find the next girl who is attractive, breathing and straight and just hook up with said girl?


Guys don't seem that way. Well, not guys she personally knows. Most guy she knows are kind, caring, generous, talented and would treat a girl right. Well, Tyler Crawford, a complete total dick she never wants to see or talk to for the rest of her life, doesn't have those qualities.

So Ryley just spends her Saturday eating all the ice cream in her freezer, realising she should go buy more ice cream but then realising she does not have a licence and can not drive a car so she just stays home. She watches all the movies on one channel that aren't stupid movies or horror movies. If they are stupid or horror, she changes the channel to Disney to watch whatever crap shows they have on that channel.

Such a lovely Saturday, right?


Ryder ducks down behind the wooden barrier that should be at least a metre and a half high. He fixes up his paintball mask and checks how much ammunition is in his paintball gun. Sometimes, the base has paintball wars involving capture the flag and today is that day.

Jason crawls over to Ryder with them being on the same team. It's girls versus boys today. Hayley is on the other team and for some reason, Jason wants to be the one to shoot her since when someone gets shot in army paintball, they're dead. It's supposed to train the cadets for the real army battles.

"Where's Maxwell?" Jason asks quietly, calling Hayley by her last name.

"She's a few feet in front of us behind the barrier with another girl." Ryder whispers.

"I bet she's planning to shoot me too." Jason whispers.

"I bet she is." Ryder whispers.

Jason lowers his gun from his mid range height, "Do you want to talk about you and your girlfriends break up?"

"No." Ryder says simply.

"Is it that bad?" Jason asks.

"I broke up with her because apparently I'm never there and she's crushing on this other guy that is always there." Ryder says.

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