The Sinner Who Saw Heaven

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The Sinner Who Saw Heaven (Reddit)

Song: Framing Hanley - Twisted Halos

You are a worker for Satan that reserves places for people in Hell, but somebody is so bad no one in Hell wants them. You have to convince Satan and God to put them in Heaven.


"Come on, Deena, he'll probably be a good worker," I practically begged the short woman before me.

"No way in hell."

"Well, that's kind of where we are," I retorted sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes. "You know what I meant."

I sighed. "Please, Deena. Sebastian isn't really all that bad."

"No, he's not. But you know what he is? Annoying as fuck. I am not having him work for me. End of story," she shut me down for the final time.

I groaned. This was the fifth worker who had turned me down in two days. And the bad part was I had less than 24 hours to find a place to put him before he became my permanent problem. That was something I was terrified of happening. The last thing I wanted was to be stuck with that bozo for the rest of eternity.

I sighed and checked Deena's name off my list before moving to the next floor of the office building. Maybe someone up there would take him.

Several hours later, I had made absolutely no luck with anyone and he was still predominantly my responsibility. I decided to finally just bite the bullet and go all the way to the top floor to see the big boss. Maybe I could talk him and God into letting Sebastian into Heaven. It was highly unlikely, but I was willing to try just about anything at this point.

I nervously knocked on his door and stepped back, quietly waiting to be invited in.

"Come in," was the distracted response I received.

I bit back my anxiety and walked into the room, approaching Lucifer's desk like I had not a care in the world.

"What is it, Shirlene?"

I clamped down on the inside of my cheek to trap my whimper in the back of my throat. His voice was so sexy and velvety smooth I nearly melted into a puddle every time we had a face to face meeting like this. I silently shook those thoughts away. There would be plenty of time to entertain them later.

"It's about Sebastian."

"Any luck placing him?" He asked, still not looking up from the file in his hand.

I shook my head slowly. "No, sir. No one wants him - including me."

"That's too bad. He has to work for someone, you know that."

I lightly perched myself on the edge of one of the chairs in front of his giant desk and carefully placed my clipboard in my lap, playing with the edges of the papers on it.

"Yes, I know. And that's why I was thinking that maybe we could possibly convince God to let him into Heaven?" It came out as more of a question as opposed to the stated request I was going for. But I couldn't help it. At this point, I was terrified of the response.

He sighed and leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his shaggy ebony hair as his emerald green eyes finally looked up to meet my own cerulean gaze. "You know I can't do that, doll."

I pensively chewed on my lower lip. "Please, sir, at least try," I beggingly whispered.

A black flame flared to life in his eyes and he leaned forward over his desk. "Fine. But you'll owe me big time."

I nodded. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Oh, no, darling. You've been avoiding me lately and that ends tonight, understood?"

I agreed hastily. "Of course, Lucifer. Anything you want. Just, please, get him into Heaven."

He leaned back in his chair once more as his eyes went back to normal. "You might as well get comfortable. You might be here a while."

I gave him a curious look. "Why?"

"Because you're going to convince the big man to accept our little Sebastian."

"What?" I squeaked in surprise.

Lucifer snorted. "What? Did you think you would get off so easily and have me do all the dirty work? I don't think so, love. Just because you're my wife doesn't mean I'll go that easily on you."

I sighed and flopped back in the chair I was sitting in. "Fine," I agreed in frustration.

He chuckled darkly, clearly enjoying my discomfort at this. "Then, we should get this show on the road, huh?"

I nodded silently and he picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"I'd like to be connected with the CEO of Heavenly Works please," he said into the receiver when God's secretary answered.

A moment later, the man himself appeared in the corner of the room and Lucifer hung up.

"What do you want now, Lucifer?" God asked tiredly.

"Not me but my Worker Placement Supervisor."

The squeaky clean deity turned to me. "Then what do you want?"

I choked back my squeak of terror at having the attention of the most dynamic and scary men in the universe directed at me. "Well," I began hesitantly, "I was thinking that maybe Sebastian would be of more use to the residents of Heaven as opposed to those of us down here."

"Translation: He's annoying and you don't know what to do with him because no one will take him. Am I right?"

I nodded and anxiously drew my bottom lip between my teeth. "That would be correct."

God sighed. "You were one of my best angels and employees before you requested to be transferred, so I guess I could do this one favor for you," he agreed.

I squealed in delight. "Really?"

"Yes. On one condition."

The wind died out of my sails at this. "And what would that be?"

"You have to train him for a year in the ways of the angels."

I groaned. "You've got to be kidding me."

He shook his head. "Not at all."

"Fine," I said on a sigh. "We have a deal."


We both signed the piece of white parchment that appeared in front of us and the deal was done. Now, I only had to deal with the little headache for a year. Hooray for me. . .

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