Hoodoo Voodoo Comedy

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Hoodoo Voodoo Comedy (Writer's Digest)

Song: Get Scared - If Only She Knew Voodoo Dolls Like I Do

CLASSIC COMEDY: To get the story straight, Dave, we think, has become a chicken. Just the worst of luck with that guy. Tom is claiming he married the futon that's now covered in yogurt, Carl is on the chandelier with the dog and you just walked in after getting groceries. What the heck happened here?

"Guys, can you come help with the groceries?" I called from the doorway as I stepped into the oddly quiet house. I took a few more steps and stopped in confusion at the lack of response. "Guys?"

I shook my head and kept walking. There was no telling where those fools had gotten off to. They were always getting into some sort of trouble and it wouldn't surprise me if they had done just that while I was gone.

Just then, a chicken ran past me and out the front door, clucking frantically. I stopped and stared after it in open-mouthed shock. What the heck? Suddenly, a thought hit me and I stomped the rest of the way into the house.

"I swear to God, Dave, if you brought another chicken home, I am gonna-" I trailed off as I stopped short yet again, just staring on in silent wonder. What in the world happened while I was gone?

"Carl, what the hell are you doing on the chandelier with Teddy?" I asked in confusion.

He grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck as he waved at me. "Hi, Lindsey. How did the shopping go?"

I set the bags down at my feet and propped my hands up on my hips, frowning up at him as I waited for a response to my own question.

He sighed and slowly climbed down with our chihuahua, Teddy, in his arms. He grimaced and carefully dodged the yogurt-covered futon sofa our third roommate, Tom, was currently sprawled out on and caressing.

"Well, this is what happened, Lindsey. Dave, we think, turned into a chicken."

I blinked. "He what now?"

He giggled nervously. "Well, we somehow managed to summon an African voodoo demon who cursed us for waking her up for no reason."

"Still not following."

"Dave brought home this really - and I mean really - old book from the library and the three of us sat down to look at it. After flipping through a few pages, we realized it was an African spellbook and Dave and Tom thought it would be fun to summon the demon it belonged to. I, of course, was against such an idiotic move, but they ignored me and did it anyway. Long story short, she got mad that we didn't have a reason for calling on her - and inadvertantly waking her up - so she cursed the three of us."

"I'm confused. How did that lead to Dave supposedly becoming a chicken, you being on the chandelier with our dog, and Tom making out with our futon that is currently covered in yogurt. And, furthermore, why is our couch covered in yogurt to begin with?"

He shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. "It was part of the summoning ritual."

"And the rest?"

"Teddy and I panicked when she turned Dave into a chicken and we jumped onto the chandelier together, Tom thinks he married the couch, and I have no idea where Chicken Dave got off to."

I sighed. "Are you high?"

He shook his head. "Not in the least."

"Then where in the world did you come up with such a far-fetched story?"

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