Hokee: The Abandoned Wolf Girl

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Hokee: The Abandoned Wolf Girl

You were abandoned by your parents as a child and raised by wolves until you were 14, when you reentered society. Now, 15 years later, you are a successful forest ranger bringing your fiance(e) back home to meet the folks for the first time.


Song: Adam Lambert - No Trespassing

"Eli, I really don't like doing this," the woman complained to her husband.

"Shut up, Krista. We cannot raise a such an abomination!" Eli snapped at his counterpart.

She whimpered and hugged herself, not daring to say another word.

Even though he was being really cruel about it, Krista knew her man was right. They couldn't raise a deformed baby. What would people think? What would their fellow church members say? She couldn't bear the thought of all the ridicule they would suffer just because she was incapable of producing a healthy, normal-looking baby.

The man in front of her stopped in front of a cave and gently placed the basket he was carrying down next to the mouth of it. Despite the knowledge of their social status, he really did care for the baby girl and hated himself for leaving her for dead like this. After all, a wild animal was bound to show up here in the middle of the forest and take her as a ready-to-eat meal, and the little one was so defenseless. Honestly, it made him a monster and he knew it, but he couldn't stand the thought of losing his high societal rank over such an ugly child.

Eli shrugged it off and turned away from his package, wrapping his arm around his wife's waist as they hurried back to their car. Not wanting anyone to catch them in the act of abandoning a week old infant, they had parked it several miles away from the wooded area they decided to drop the child off in. No need to get arrested for child neglect and abandonment - living with the guilty knowledge of what they were doing would be punishment enough.

Micah came across the wicker basket outside of his part-time home on his way back to feed his family. He nosed the blanket back from the contents, earning a distressed wail from the baby laying within. The wolf jumped back in shock as his eyes went wide and he tripped over the deer he had laid down, landing on his back with a solid thud.

He quickly got back up to all fours and raced into the cave to find his mate feeding their litter of eight. He shifted and fell to his knees in front of his wife.

"There is a baby outside."

She looked at him, sending him a mental message. 'And you left it?'

"A human baby."

The shewolf snorted. 'And you left it?'

The man huffed and grabbed a pair of pants, grumbling to himself as he went to retreive the basket. "Irresponsible humans leaving their children to die in the cold. . ." he groaned. "Crazy wife making me take her in."

Said wife came out in human form about that time. She placed her hands on her hips and raised a brow. "What was that about a crazy wife?"

The man jumped three feet in the air and turned to his woman, head ducked down in shame. "Sorry, Michelle, I wasn't expecting-"

"Me to hear you insulting me?" She cut him off.

The man sighed and turned to grab the basket. "What do you want to do with this?" He asked, lifting his burden a little higher.

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