Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"You'll not deny me of my wife! I have the right over her and I demand to see her now!"

"You sick bastard!"Joseph growls.


That's my dad's voice. He roars loud enough that it shakes the glass on my window.

I've been hearing the same argument downstairs for twenty minutes. I swear their voices can wake up the deads. No one seems willing to cave in anytime soon. And since I'm pretty beat up with my sudden pregnancy hormones, I just lay down on the bed in my old bedroom upstairs. Dad, Joseph and dad's men have been holding James back from storming inside my bedroom.

I don't think they can't last long considering the level of James' persistent. I roll over to my side and cover my ear with a pillow to block his voice. Not that I loath it, I'm just afraid it'll weakened me. The last thing my dad need is me running down and throw myself in James' arms.

I have to use this opportunity to think about my possibility. But what am I supposed to do?

Going back to live with dad is not an option. I won't allow my baby to be ruled by him. I will raise him the way mom raised me behind my dad's back.

"Dammit Joseph! I just want to talk to her!"

I wince as I hear a crash following James' furious screech. I hope he's not destroying this house. There is some porcelain mom loved so much downstairs.

"She doesn't want to meet you."

I heard dad speaks for me.

"Go home now. You look like hell. She'll call you when she's ready." He advices with fatherly tone. "And for God's sake don't get drunk. I despise alcohol."

"I won't go home without her. She's my wife. She belongs with me." James replies sullenly.

I imagine him pouting like a little boy. He must be really cute. If my baby is a boy, I wish he'd look just exactly like James. I can picture it already in my head. James would patiently teach our boy playing football and another sports God knows men very adored.

"And just what exactly you did that makes her like this?"

"I don't know!" His voice is thick with frustration. "We were on the phone and I was summoned before and then all I knew was the phone went dead. What did she tell you?"

"She didn't tell us anything. I called her because I wanted to ask you two to come visiting me tonight. It just turned out differently."

I can tell that my dad is sighing exasperatedly in front of my husband. I almost smile at the thought.

"I found something in our bathroom after I returned from work."

"Don't tell me that." Dad grumbles.

"She's pregnant."

I feel like the floor beneath me crumble and I fall into the well without end. It's a good thing I'm still breathing.

"She what?!" My dad demands.

Joseph let out string of curses.

"She's carrying my baby. I want to see her now."

It's amazing how I can hear all of them very clear when I'm five feet above them with thick roof between us. Is my bedroom floor having a hole somehow? Screw the pillow! I throw it somewhere behind me. It's not helping anyway. Tears are forming in my eyes.

"What were you talking about?" My dad asks again.

"She said she wants to cook dinner for me. I could tell she's hiding something from me."

"What else?"

"I'm not sharing our private conversation with you and your men."

I blush furiously. God, what the hell is wrong with us?

"Why didn't she tell me when I called her?"

"How am I supposed to know?!" James bellows. "Where's she? I need to see her."

Please don't tell him dad. I'm not ready. Give me a day and I swear I'll call my husband the first thing in the morning.

As I pray, I hear them whispering something. Joseph clearly rejects the idea but my dad shushes him.
What the hell are they whispering about?

"Go home son. I'll drive her back tomorrow." My dad says finally.

"But –"

"It's impossible to talk through her when her mind has been made up. Besides, she's resting upstairs. My wife had a hard time during her pregnancy. Nadine may through the same. You don't want to disturb her, do you?"

Oh father, you have no idea what is exactly disturbing me right now.

I can almost hear James' brain working.

"Can I at least see her?"

"You'll see her tomorrow."

As if! I can't believe these men downstairs are currently discussing my future as if I'm incapable of making my own. What am I? Five years old?

"Alright." My husband heaves in defeat.

"But if by seven in the morning she's not home yet, I sure as hell will come here to pick her up."

"You can count on me Son."

The hell I will let them do that. I've made up my mind. I may not working anymore but I have saving and inheritance mom has left me. It's more than enough to rent a small flat and keep my welfare during the pregnancy until the baby is old enough that I can work again. That's it. That's what I will do even if it's hurt like hell.

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