Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

If you ask me what my job is, I'll be honest I don't have one. My job is my social status. It's downright pathetic. Being the millionaire wife and attend to social call and stuff like that. Believe me, it's boring. I mean, it's a bunch of women who like to show off their money and power and jewelries. Inside, they are died, just exactly like me. Maybe that's why I keep attending those gatherings even though I know they are pointless.

Today, I don't feel like attending one. I'm not in the mood to dress up or put on make up or wearing the new necklace James has bought for me. Now that I think about that, all my jewelries are bribery from him to keep me content and silent. That and the unexpected sex.

As weariness fills me, I choose to lock myself in the library. The cleaning lady will be here soon. I'll just let her work without bothering her. I love books and who am I to refuse when they can be a good distraction?

I was about to continue my study when my father gave me an ultimatum. It was earth-shattering. It wasn't like I asking him money to pay my tuition. I had a job back then and my salary was more than enough to make me live and continue my study. And then, he just dropped the bomb in my face without any regard whatsoever.

I told him I hadn't date anyone since my freshmen year. He told me back that he had candidate for me as if my marriage was a contest. Being the only child in my family, and given that my father's illness was not getting any better, I caved in. I was doing what my mom told me before she passed away; always listen to your father no matter how ridiculous his wishes are.

And I married James Reid because of my responsibility to my dad. Good thing happened afterward, he recovered from his heart disease that I wondered whether he was deceiving me or not. Not that I refuse the idea of my father having a better life. I do wish the best for him even when we're not that close. I just hated to be manipulated. God know how many times he had done that.

My mom was having difficulty to pregnant after I was born. It wasn't because of me. The doctor said she had a weak uterus. Actually, having me into this world was a miracle for them. Even though my dad was sad, he never ever blamed my mom for the fact that he couldn't have sons. I could tell that they loved each other deeply in their own way.

My father tried to raise me like a boy. I was sent to the best school since I was a kid. Science and sport were the priority that my father chose for me. I was a swimmer and had collected few trophies myself. My life was easier when I did what my father told me. Behind, I nagged a lot to mom.
Back then at school, no one dared to mess up with me. I had two bodyguards who followed me everywhere and four more when I hung out. As the result of that, I didn't have many friends back then. The fact saddened me further when I know few of my friends I had made was only seeing me as their ticket to fame. After that, I never tried hard to make friends at college. I was fine by my own. That and also my grief of losing the only real friend I had, my mom.

When I hear someone open the door, I look up from my book and find James standing in the threshold with a smile on his face. I frown up at him. It's not usual of him to come home early.

At my frown, he leans against the wall with teasing smile. "You look cute."

Holy hell! Now he's being playful too. What is happening with him?

"You're early. What time is it?" I rise to my feet and wince immediately when my numb feet protest.

"How long you've been locked yourself here, Love?"James is instantly in front of me, holding my arms and helping me up.

"I don't remember." Ridiculously pissed as I'm being admonished, I mumble. "I just wanted to read."

"It's okay. I'm pissed because you forget your meal."


And then I inhale and all I can smell is James' male scent. There's no woman's perfume in it that it makes me relieve beyond words. He didn't meet her today.

James holds me up easily with his hands. I don't dare to look up into his face. He is just too much sometime for my weak heart to handle.

"It's past lunch time." His hand caresses my arm lightly. "What do you want to eat? Should we go out?"

I hold back a sigh at his undivided attention. But I know better. "I'll just make sandwich. How's my dad?"

"Oh he's definitely getting better."

There's an unmistakable hint of fondness in his voice that makes me look up at James. The same fondness is shown in his face in the form of smile. My heart is actually kicking against my chest. God, I don't want to fall further into this hole.

"Did he say something?"

James shakes his head. "Other than grandchild, he doesn't say anything else."

I'm pretty sure that my heart has skipped a beat. "Oh." Then I flush beet red. "Okay then. I'm going to make sandwich. Do you want some?"

His laugh is like a song in my ear. Deep and seductive, it hypnotizes me.
"I'll eat with you." He drops a kiss on my forehead. "Come then."

As James leads me to the kitchen by holding my hand, I rethought again how we can get along well when we actually never met before we married. And the man was actually demanding to consume our marriage the night after we married. We were practically stranger back then. How did he manage to seduce me in the first place, anyway?

"What are you thinking?"

I flush again. Damn it!How can he read my mind so easily? "Nothing."

"Are you sure?"

I pull my hand away as I walk straight to refrigerator. My back is to him so he can't see my very red, very embarrassed face. "Yeps.Tuna or chicken?"As I rummage inside the refrigerator, I put my head inside to cool down my boiling blood.

"Love, you're not planning to lock yourself inside our refrigerator, are you?"

My hands grip the handle tighter. "Nope.Just trying to find the chicken." I feel his presence behind me that I'm tensing immediately.

His hands gently rest on my waist. They hold me steady as I straighten. He's too close that his face is tucked against my neck. We're plastered from head to feet.

"What?" I ask weakly.

"Where's the cleaning lady?"James whispers against my neck.

Holy hell!I recognize that tone anywhere.


"So we're really alone now?"

"Yes." I tilt my head aside because he begins nibbling my skin. "What are you doing?"

His hands slip inside my blouse, cupping my breasts through my bra and I lose myself in the sensation he has created within me.

"Giving your father happiness. What do you say?"

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