Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It's 7.30 in the morning when I open my eyes the next day. The sun is glaring its light into the room through the small slit between the curtains. Something heavy is draped over my waist as I lay on my side. The warm big hand cups the swell of my stomach. A naked chest is pressed against my equally bare back. I vaguely remember what happened last night.

Crap! We had sex again.

Slowly, I try to unwrap myself from James. But his arm is iron band around me. He tightens his hold as he stirs in his sleep.

"Good morning, Love."

His sexy morning voice rumbles against my shoulder. His breath feels warm on my neck that it makes me shudder.

"Good morning for you too." I say half-heartedly. "I really need to go to bathroom. And you don't want to be late for work." I hold his hand in mine in attempt to rise from bed.

"Was I too rough last night?" He asks behind me.

Gah! Talk about modesty. I don't care if he's rough or slow or in between. I just don't want to face him in the morning. "It's okay. My bladder is bugging me."

"Love. Naddie –"

I jump to my feet before he can pull me into bed again. Bare-assed, I walk to the bathroom ignoring the tingling sensation on my spine.

"In a minute, kay?" I flash my smile before closing the door.

To be honest, I feel sore all over. My body is so sensitive that I'm sure clothes will feel uncomfortable. Damn that husband of mine. What is he? A sex machine? As I stare at my reflection, I notice how deep red my nipples are. They look well-used and feel overly sensitive.

"Naddie?" He knocks on the door.


"Can I come in?"

I blink at the door. "Sure." Why I always let him has his way with me so easily, I never know.

When the door opened, I see James has his boxer on. His hair is a mess because of my hands. I flush bright red as I look away from his knowing smile. Realize at my own nakedness, I cover my breasts with my left arm.

"You can get the shower first." I say as I walk past him to the door. But he sneaks an arm around my waist and pulls me to the shower with him.

"I prefer to have shower with you." He drops a soft kiss on my bare shoulder.

"Come on, don't be shy." James gently pries my arm off my chest. "These beauties shouldn't be covered."

As desire unfolded within me, I feel more helpless to the point of desperation.

Twenty minutes later after hot steamy sex and cold shower, we sit in the kitchen table eating our breakfast. I feel dread in the pit of my stomach as I picturing what my husband will do once he steps out of the front door. It's devastating.

"Eat the pancake, Love."

"Huh?" I look up to find him watching me closely. "Pancake? Yeah, I –"

"Are you okay?"

I smile in answer because I don't really know how to answer him in words. Words have failed me long time ago.

"You gonna be late." I distract him by glancing at my wrist.

"That's the perks of being the boss." He sips at his coffee. "Don't worry. The company will still be fine without my constantly presence."

At that statement, I lift my eyebrows. I eye his suit in question.

"Ah. I like to be ready at any moment when my duty calls." He says lightly.
I drop my eyes back to my plate. I'm not sure I want to see the way he lies to me again and again. It's better this way, I suppose, pretending to be a good wife, and someday, a good mother.

God, but it hurts.

"What will you do today?" I inquire.

"Making some deals, lunch with associates and your father, and probably I'll visit the site. I want to see the progress of the hotel renovation. I hope it'll be ready soon because –"

As he babbles with work, I'm no longer paying attention. I hate it when he looks so excited with work, or probably it's just a cover. My chest heaves. Does my dad know about his affair? Does anybody know about my husband affair?


When I look up, James has already standing beside me. He leans down while tilting my face up with his hand.
"You free tomorrow?"

The question throws me off guard. "I suppose."

"I will need you all day."

Uh-oh! What is he planning? "Okay."

"Good." He says with a genuine smile.
"I guess I should go."

"Sure."Damn! But my brain is a mush at his proximity.

He leans close and kisses me softly on the mouth. I sigh into his mouth because it feels so beautiful. When he pulls away, I almost follow his lips, which is very embarrassing. With a soft laugh, James pat the tip of my nose.

"Be a good girl, kay?"

I nod because voice fails me. I watch his back longingly as he walk away.

God, I hope you can be a good boy too.

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