To Mom In Case You Forget How Much I Love You

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Even though I tell you I love you all the time, I thought you should know just how much I appreciate you. I'm not sure it can even be put into words how much I really do love you and cherish you. But here it goes anyways.

You brought me into this world, and for that I am grateful. I've had an extraordinary life so far and a lot of that is thanks to you. You've always put me and my siblings first. Even before yourself.

You are always making sure that I have everything I need and want be it a hug after a bad day, or that adorable puppy that I wanted so badly when I was little.

You have always been there for me. From changing my diapers as a baby to cuddling me in bed when I was sick. We made it through my stubborn teen years and here you are today still loving me.

You were always on my side even if I was completely wrong. The amount of things that you have to put up with, sometimes I wonder how you do it. And I am forever grateful that you have put up with me for all of these years.

You are my best friend, my mentor, my role model. And I couldn't have asked for anyone better to take your place. I am in absolute awe of you.

You've watched me succeed and fail. You've been there to wipe my tears or to see that ear to ear grin on my face. You've witnessed a lot of my terrible mistakes as well as my good decisions. You've watched me grow and mature.

I don't think anyone could possibly know me as well as you do.

I just can't seem to understand when someone says they would never want to be anything like their mother, because I would do anything to be half the woman you are today.

I know we've had our fights and problems. We've had our ups and downs. But at the end of the day please remember that I love you more than words can describe.

You mean the world to me.

There isn't anybody or anything that could take away this special bond we share.

I love you to the moon and back,

Your Daughter

By Courtney

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