Just Remember, You're The Woman Of Someone's Dreams

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I can remember the days before I met the love of my life that I was crying on the couch sulking in sadness as to why I was never a priority to the man who came before him.

I remember being in a crowd full of people and still feeling alone. I remember feeling less of myself because of one man's lack of attention. I remember that sadness and I sure as hell will never put myself in that position again.

I've learned one thing by being in love with someone who didn't value me: If anyone's actions or words ever make you feel less than who you are, leave. You are at no obligation to be the person they say you are.

It wasn't until I met my future husband; he helped me realize everything beautiful inside myself. I didn't change who I was but rather, he recognized everything I couldn't even see in myself. He brought it up to the surface.

Since the day I met my husband to be, he has made me feel the way a woman should feel in the arms of someone she loves.

To him, I am not a 'maybe'. I am the woman he's waited for and the woman of his dreams. I didn't change who I was to make him love me more. I stayed true to myself and it was everything he was searching for.

I have never been sad because he has always valued me as a priority. I've never been hurt by his words because he's always lifting me higher rather than making me feel less than myself. I've never cried because I ever felt doubt or fear he's unfaithful.

Ladies, you future husband is out there. This man exists. Wherever you're at in your life, right at this moment, just know you are the woman of someone's dreams.

I'm sure it seems far from reach or maybe you thought you found that perfect match but now you're left heartbroken.

When negative thoughts, like why you 'weren't good enough', come creeping in. Just remember this:

You have everything inside you that someone has been desperately seeking.

Someone is out there that will find everything about you beautiful.

Your flaws won't be flaws but a reason to love you more.

You have a kind heart someone has been searching for.

You have the shade of eyes someone finds beautiful.

You have the crinkle in your nose that someone will find adorable.

You have the laugh someone will love to hear.

You have the selflessness that someone won't take for granted.

You have the kindness someone will appreciate.

You have the ambition someone will support.

You have the beauty that will captivate someone.

You have the intelligence someone will admire.

You have the presence someone who cherish.

You have the essence someone will value.

You have the hand that will perfectly fit into theirs.

I guarantee you, everything about you will fit perfectly with the person you're meant to be with. They will fit your mold.

There is a person designed for you. Someone who will put your first and make you feel like the woman you are.

This person is out there. Whatever the reason, fate just has just not brought you two together yet.

I assure you; whoever this man is, will keep you and they will find you irreplaceable.

By Alexis Tiffany

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