Christmas Eve: Shit! The Presents!

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I was exhausted and flagging before the kids who, despite their infamous eight-hour flight, had bags of energy. They were eventually coaxed into bed after leaving milk and a burnt gingerbread snowman by the fireplace for Santa. The novelty of being in a strange house and country was proving to be too much and they were in and out of bed, giggling on the landing and asking if Santa had been yet for the next hour. Just as they were giving in and settling down to sleep, Gideon finally turned up and chaos ensued with the novelty of a new person to pester. Austin and Riley wanted to meet Gideon and demanded he read them The Night Before Christmas for the third time that evening.

Yeah, good luck with that, little ones. Gideon was even less interested in kids than I was.

Two hours later, they finally drifted off to sleep and it wasn't long before the grown-ups followed.

'I didn't think you were coming,' I whispered as Gideon and I squeezed into my old childhood bed. The last thing I wanted to do was wake the kids up who were sleeping next door.

'I had to work late.'

I knew that was a lie. Gideon never worked late, citing it wasn't in his contract to do so. And he reeked of beer. 'Never mind. You're here now.' Despite the long, tiring day, I cuddled up to Gideon, kissing his collar bone, knowing it would get him in the mood. But Gideon was already snoring.


Turning over, I closed my eyes and was gently drifting off when a thought struck me.

'Shit! The presents!'

Lesson 16: Do not forget to wrap the presents.

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