This Is Serious Now

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I sighed quietly. I had been in the closet for like half an hour and right now all I wanted right now was my bed and Katie. I had been listening to Bethany’s attempts to seduce Lucas and by the rude words he was replying with I don’t think it was working. Or maybe because I was in the closet and could hear everything that was being said and done but no pressure, he was free to do whatever he wanted to under his roof.

I heard a bunch of noises and a loud bump. Then I heard someone stand up, they sounded like they were walking towards me. I hid more in the shadows of the closet and stood away from the door. The person walked past me and went further down the room. I exhaled slowly and lay my back against the wall. Then I was disturbed by an angry shriek.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” She shouted angrily.

“Nothing, I’m perfectly sane,” He said calmly.

“Do you know what? I’m done with your stupid games…I’m going to tell your useless mummy about your little secrets,” She said sounding pleased with herself.

What was this hold that the whore had over Lucas? He seemed quite intimidated by it so it must’ve been big, she seemed to just want Lucas to herself to pin him down and never let him go and if she couldn’t catch him by her dazzling good looks (lol) she’d blackmail him into being with her whether he liked her or not.

“Look Bethany, I have done nothing wrong to you so…” She cut him off.

“Shut up, you rejected me in front of family and friends while I was paying you to do the job you fail so you suffer the consequences unless you do what I asked you to do 2 months ago,” She spoke softly but with taunt in her voice.

“Bethany, why do you want me anyway?” He said.

“Aww, look at you trying to convince me to leave you alone, shame you’re doing such a bad job,” She said sharply.

I heard a loud sigh so I peeked out the door. Bethany was sitting on the chair and looked like she was examining him then there I saw Lucas on the floor, looking tired, pissed and defeated.  I wanted to go out there and help him like he had done tonight but I couldn’t. My pride and safety warned me off the idea so I just continued on listening to their conversation.

“So what about that ugly girl with the tomato coloured hair you liked? Did you do as I said?” She asked. If it wasn’t for the sake of Lucas and that I wasn’t even supposed to be there; I would’ve jumped out of that closet and slapped her right across the face, talking about me like I wasn’t there… Oh wait, she doesn’t know I’m here.

Lucas didn’t answer. The tension in that room was probably suicidal; I slowly took my phone out of my pocket and questioned whether I should do what I thought I owed him. Heck, I owed the boy he saved my life. I went to ‘new message’ and sent a text to Lucas that would probably decide his fate whether the ‘wicked witch of the west’ believed the bogus text I was sending to him.

I sent it. I heard his phone’s message tone. I crossed my fingers and waited.

I heard a groan, it was probably Lucas.

“Give me that,” She said hastily, I guess she snatched it from him.

She started to laugh coldly.

“Poor baby, your love doesn’t seem to love you back,” She said nastily.

“Are you happy now?” He said quietly, as if the text actually affected him.

“Nope, I want to see your face when I read it out. Then I’ll go but who said I was gonna leave you alone,” I heard the pleasure her voice, the way she thought she was dominating over him when she’d only fallen into a stupid trick.

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