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I'm so sorry this is so late but my internet didn't come back until today so i couldn't upload.

Been a bit busy with revision and exams so you lot are gonna have to bare with me cos school comes first, well here's Chapter 10.


I stayed home the next day. Katie said I had to get myself together and calm down. She had left the house at about to 1pm even though she was supposed to be at her Hippie class for 12pm but this is my aunt we’re talking about. I lay in my bed all day, only getting up to go to the toilet or eat food. I was like a zombie, life carried on while I acted dead to it.

 I focused on the swirling patterns on my white ceiling that I really didn’t really notice until today. They went through each other and then joined and everything just ended up meeting and making overlapping circles. I sighed and closed my eyes and tried to drift to sleep but all I could think about was the threatening thing Dylan had said. All that was on my mind was that and Jessica, this was her plan to just haunt me without her actually being here to see my face but that still didn’t explain how Dylan knew.

I stood up and looked in the mirror. I looked like crap, my hair was static and all over the place while my PJ shorts were scruffy and my T-shirt was ripped at the bottom after it got caught on my bathroom door when I was walking round like a zombie. I had to get myself back together, when Jessica was alive I always covered my downfall and I wasn’t about to fail now. I made my way to the bathroom and undressed. I stepped into the shower and turned it on, the hot water ran across me and every tense muscle I had was soothed by it. Slowly my migraine and aches departed from me and I was just left with the rawness of my recovering self.

I got out the shower, wrapped a towel around myself and brushed my teeth. After that was done I walked into my room and looked myself in the mirror again and saw a new refreshed person, I wasn’t the depressed, lazy and haunted 16 year old I was Angel Marie Johnson, a teenager recovering from her past and ready to face her future. I readied myself and went downstairs and stared at the artwork my aunt had been painting. It looked complicated, with the spatters of paint everywhere and a thick path of black paint going through the canvas. I tore my eyes away from the painting and got a glass of orange juice and made my way to the living room and just sat there.

I heard my ringtone from my pocket; I scowled at the noise disturbing my silence and checked my phone.


I picked up the call, expecting the worst.

“Hello?” I said.

“I need to talk to you,” The voice said.

“Who am I speaking with?”

“Someone that has vital information that you need before you get crushed,” The person said in a hushed tone.

“I need a name,” I said.

“Just meet me in E.A.T today at 8pm, trust me you need to,” The person pleaded.

“You’ll have to wait and see if I show up,”

The person mumbled.


The phone line went dead. I knew it wasn’t Jessica because it was a male voice but I was prepared to go there and see her. Why should I be scared? Wait, how can I not be scared?

I sighed and lay on the sofa. Did life have to be so hard? I know they say it’s unfair but when you’re supposed to be dead sister is stalking you, your friend’s boyfriend is acting weird and crazy towards you, the boy you kinda like kissed you but has sluts surrounding him which makes things awkward and an overactive friend; don’t you think that’s taking a bit too far with the unfair bit of life?

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