Chapter 3

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Wow! Just a wow was all that was ringing in my head. He personally came here to give me his invitation card to his wedding now ain't that something?

"You getting married?" I knew that was a stupid question obviously his name is on the invitation card so already I know the answer to my dumb question,his nod wasn't even needed.

"You marrying Sbahle?" Another stupid question that bitch' name is here also.

"Yeah and Kwanda you know you my best friend." Best friend? Now which level of being friend zoned is that?
I'm guessing the highest level though.

"Best friend. Wow!" I said with a light laugh before I took a huge breath even though I wanted to cry but damn the only thing I could do was laugh at my stupidity.

"You okay?" He tried touching my hand but I moved away from him making sure to leave way enough space for me not to be tempted to kill him cause if he keeps breathing next to me, I will kill him.

"Yeah." I said quieting down my laughter.

"You've always been my ride and die Kwanda,you've always had my back,You know you the only girl that's stuck with me through everything." I couldn't help but laugh at that. I'm his ride and die,his pillar but I'm just not the woman he wants.Things men do to us,right now he just made me feel like I'm not good enough and he couldn't care less about that.

"I would really appreciate it if you came to my wedding." He said and I nodded walking over to my wine stand where I took my Nederberg red wine bottle opening it up while I listened to my soulmate telling me how happy he would be if I could be the matron of honor at his wedding.

"Matron of honor huh?" I asked looking at his light skin pale ass. He knows this is hurting me but he doesn't care,he has never cared for me that why he's standing here telling me he's marrying the same woman he told me not to worry about.
Ain't this shit a bitch?

"So?" He asked waiting anxiously for my answer but I decided first I needed something to make me think so yes I gulped down the bottle of wine till it was half. My mind was running wild but one thing that I could make out of the many things running through my head was that I did not want to attend no wedding of his and I also wasn't about to stand there and smile like I'm happy he marrying that bitch that I despise so much.

"Whoo!" I laughed putting the bottle on the table now taking a seat on the couch and he did the most stupidest thing ever and sat next to me and since I ain't tryna go to jail for killing a stupid fuck boy than I needed to be far away from his punk ass.

Note to self: keep calm and don't trip,I know you want to smash this bottle on his low IQ ass but he ain't worth it.

I took my bottle and moved away from him,my mind still running wild with nothing but hateful thoughts towards this punk.

"Fine." I don't know what possessed me to say that but by the time I realised what I just said it was too late for me to take it back the only thing I could do was take a sip of my wine.

"Okay,I'll let S'bahle know you said yes." He had a genuine happy smile on his face and I didn't know whether to cry or just be happy.

"You do that." I gave him a fake ass smile.I was hurt no lie but I guess he's not mine.

"I'll be on my way than." He tried coming in for a hug but I stopped his gesture shaking my head.

"Tell Sbahle I said hi." I waved him off and he frowned and nodded.

"Thanks again." He said before he made his way out of my apartment,He would take a few glances at me and everytime he would I faked a smile at him till he disappeared out of my door.

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