Chapter 39.

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After dinner Jason and his son decided they were going to watch some cartoons but me I needed to sleep because tomorrow I had something that I needed to do at the office early in the morning and I couldn't afford to slack by being sleep deprived . "Come on watch one episode with us." Jason said looking over at me before diverting his eyes back on the tv, they were watching Avatar the last airbender and I am such a huge fan of these cartoons but sitting so close to Jason was not an option. So this will have to be a hard pass.

"I really have an early morning tomorrow." I said honestly and that's when he moved his eyes to me.

"I won't bite." He smirked and I didn't like what he was insinuating. Does he actually think I can't handle being close to him because I can and I can actually can resist him.

"Who says you do?" I decided to take a seat next to Cebo who was so invested on these cartoons that he didn't even care about our interactions. I saw Jason stare at me from the corner of my eye but I ignored him. It all he has been doing since he got here and I wondered what he meant when he said he didn't feel good cause he looks well to me and I mean health wise.

Cebo leaned closer to me and continued concentrating on Aang. We sat in silence and just watched these cartoons and I did catch Jason stealing a few looks my way and sometimes he did catch me doing the same but we both just played it off and continued watching the avatar universe.

Cebo didn't even finish the episode before he fell asleep on my thigh. "Haibo nana." I picked him up. "Umuntu wamane wazumeka." I kissed him before standing up with him. "Do you need help with tucking him in?"  I shook my head no. "He's such a peaceful sleeper." I said quietly and he nodded and I went over to Cebo's room where I tucked him and kissed him before I switched the light off and made my way back to the lounge.

"I guess goodnight." I said and took a step towards my room but he cleared his throat. "Can we just finish this episode? Please?" He pouted like a little baby. I contemplated for a moment before I just nodded. I decided to sit far from him and he chuckled at that but he didn't say anything.

My hands were doing just about anything at this moment to make sure I didn't find myself fantasing about us making out in this couch. I should have brought my phone from the bedroom.

"I am not an actual fan of cartoons. I just watch them for the sake Jayden." He spoke and I looked over at him. Than what the hell was he doing in the minions cinema room 2 years back.

"I don't believe you. You watched The Minnions." I said before my eyes moved back to my tv but he laughed lightly. "Yeah I did." He nodded like I just took him back to that day,that was when we met. "For you. You and your friends were going to watch it and I wanted to talk to you so badly so I uhm watched it but honestly speaking I hated it." I laughed with him when he said that.

"I also hated it." I said honestly. "When I got back to my place. I decided to watch the despicable movies to wipe away the trauma the minions gave me." I said with a laugh and he laughed with me.

"That feels like it was way too long ago." He said and that's when a frown came out of my face. "I guess a lot has happened so that's why it feels like it was too long ago." I stated honestly, we have broken each other's heart so much. Mostly him.

"I remember when I handed you that tissue Kwah,I never thought I was ever going to be the person that would make you cry or hurt you like that again." His tone was soft but yet filled with some sort of emotion. I didn't know what to say because talking about this wasn't going to undo the damage between us.

"I think I should just go and sleep." I said and attempted to stand up but he was quick to stop now closing the little distance that me and him had on this couch. "I just want to apologize about what I said to you. That is not me Kwah and you know that. I was freaking out and I took it out on you which was not fair." He said sincerely. "You walked in here and didn't greet me Jason. You said this was your place and a whole lot of stuff just because I decided to move on with my life. So what you like me better when I am all hung up on you whilst you're in love with your dearest wife?" I asked pulling my hand away from him and this time making sure to create the space between us.

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