No more secrets

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Maddy's POV

I ran out of my room to see Rhydian on the floor knocked out. I looked around and didn't see anybody. I tried to pick up a scent but couldn't. I knelt down to Rhydian. He was unconious. I tried to think of ways to wake him up. Mom only knew what to do at times like this. I called Tom to come back over. I waited for him to get here. His face turned pale. I could hear is heart beat slowly. I found a bullet in his arm close to his shoulder. It wasn't the type of bullet to kill wolfbloods but it's was enough to hurt us. Finally Tom showed up. He saw Rhydian but didn't ask what happened until we got him on my bed. "Stay here with Rhydian. Ill be right back." I headed for the door. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To get some fresh air." I lied. Once I got outside the scent came clear to me now. I still didn't know who it was but ill soon find out. The scent trailed into the woods. I felt like I have been running for fifteen hours. There was a man up ahead. He was standing at a pile if dirt. It's smelled like rotten foods. I ran up behind him. "What did you shoot him for?!" I yelled at him. He stepped out of the way and I saw Alrics dead body. "He killed him." The man pointed at Alric. My heart shattered. Why would he do this? Why didn't he tell me? These questions just fled through my mind. "I-I'm sorry....I didn't know." I stared at Alric in disbelief. "Does Jana know?" I asked. "I think it's best that we don't tell her." He said. "What was he to you?" I tried not to seem pushy with questions. "He was a very old friend of mine. Almost brothers if it weren't for our parents." I started to feel sorry for the guy. He lost his brother. "I should head back." I turned and ran back home.

Rhydians POV

I just stepped out of maddy's room and saw David standing in the door way with a gun. I automatically knew why he was here. Before I could say anything the pulled the trigger and I was down. He didn't even stay long enough for me to fall. I could hear Maddy drop everything and run out here but I was out by the time she stood by me.

Maddy's POV

When I got back to the house I saw an ambulance and Tom standing with his mom. Rhydian was in the back of the ambulance. "What's going on?!" I shouted and ran up to them. "I called mom so that Rhydian can have the bullet removed and he will wake up again." I pulled Tom to the side. "You do realize that this is not a mo moon day and that they are going to need blood!" I whisper shouted. "Yeah. Oh, that totally slipped past my mind." I walked back over to toms mom. "Since this is going to require blood, I'd like to donate my blood for him to use." She looked at me with a confused look. "That's very nice of you but we have all the blood we-" "PLEASE! Remember that we have the same odd blood. If you just take blood from me you won't have to worry about trying to find the right blood for him." She turned to answer a question then turned back to me. "Fine." I looked to Tom and gave a sigh of relief.

I hoped in the back and centered my hearing on his heart beat. I wish he could just wake up right now. Tom tried not to stare at me because I never took my eyes off Rhydian. His mom was back there with us just on case something happened to him. She just looked at medical papers. We pulled up to the hospital. The drivers came around and opened the door for us. They took Rhydian inside and placed him in a room. Tim and I went on and waited for the surgery to start. The nurse then came in to take my blood. It felt like the wolf in me got weaker every drop of blood she took out. It took so long for the surgeon to come that we both fell asleep.

Emma's POV

Jana ran up to me. "I hope you are happy!" She yelled. I'm really not. I miss Maddy. It was the wild wolfblood coming out In me and I don't like it. We stayed for a couple more weeks, packing up slowly day by day. Then once everything was packed we left the pack in the morning saying goodbye to them. We went back to our house and someone had been living in it. We sniffed around. It was Maddy and Rhydian. They weren't home. I remembered my call book and looked for maddy's number. I found it and dialed her cell number. It rang for a while but it went straight to voice mail. We took quick showers and ate a quick meal. It was amazing how much food they have. We waited for hours but they never came home. "What if they got hurt or something horrible happened." I said. "Don't worry. I bet they ate out with friends." Daniel said. I sat next to him and waited.

Maddy's POV

A door slamming woke me up. "It's time that he goes to surgery so I'm going to ask you to wait in the waiting room. Tom could tell that all the blood I gave was making be woozy. He jumped up and helped me out. I took one last glance at Rhydian before they rolled him out. We got seated and I checked my phone. It said that I missed a call from home. "Tom someone tried to call me from the house." I showed him the phone. "Who do you think it is?" He asked. "I don't know. They didn't leave a message." I said. " I'm going to run back to see who it was. You stay here. Don't wonder off." He left and stared at the clock.

Toms POV

I left Maddy and I'm going back to her house. I got to her house and opened the door. Maddy's parents jumped up. "Where's Maddy?" They asked. "At the hospital. Rhydian got shoot. Maddy have her blood for him do its ok." They hurries me out the door and hopped into the car. We arrived and Maddy was where I left her."it was your parents mads." I said she flung around.

Maddy's POV.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "We missed you and I felt bad because I went off on you like I shouldn't have. It was the wild wolfblood coming out in me." She said whispering the last part. "How bad is Rhydian?" Dad asked. "He's in surgery now. I think he should be done soon." They took their seats across from us. I stared at the clock again. I saw Rhydian coming down the hallway to his room. I jumped up and went to his room. The others followed me. His face had color again. He was still asleep. "It will take him a few hour to wake up." The nurse said "oh yeah, he woke up in surgery and he had some awesome yellow contacts in." She left and I looked at me parents.

Authors note:

There will be another one today just a heads up. I hoped you liked it. I know it's a little longer than usual but a lot happened in this chapter. Ok BYE!!!!

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