Jane's first reaction to...

585 11 7

Hetalia Characters

Italy: Omg! You are such adorbs! Just like Sally!!!

Romano: Your acting like Jeff now. I want to stab you...

Germany: ...

Japan: I want to touch your hair...

America: Oh honey... You need to cut down on the fast foods... What am I kidding? Your adorbs!

England: You my friend, need your eyebrows plucked.

France: Take me away now

Canada:  dX

Russia: Your outfit is very nice, even for women! I'll shall take it...

Ukraine: Damn... Your back must really hurt a lot with all that weight on your chest...

Belarus: You need some incest management...

China: You wanna have a sass fight?! Lets go bitch!!

Austria: Bitches these days never give up do they???

Spain: Give me your ass now.

Switzerland: You better put that fucking gun down or else that thing will be up your ass within a second

Lechestien: Can I adopt you???

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