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Scarlett Poirier was staring mockingly at me from the corner of her ocean blue eyes. I thought I will stare back at her and not leave the contact until she breaks and whisper 'I win' or just ignore that gesture. I chose the latter.

I was gazing intently out of the window to look at the big white house my neighbour owns. My neighbour studies in my college too. His name is Brendon Marchand.

By the description you must have thought that he is the hottest guy in college and is a rich bastard. But no. He is a nerd. He doesn't even know I exist even though I have lived in this block for four years now.
I am the school's most popular girl. I have been hit on by all the guys and most of the girls except this boy.


But still he is rich and might I add he is cute so I don't consider it that much. I love his blanket it is so soft I always wanted to steal that blanket of his. Don't ask me how I know his blanket is soft.

"Lay! It's your turn now" Clairé, Clairé Blanchet informs me with an annoyed look. I see the the top of the bottle facing me and the back facing Scarlett.

That bitch. She always gives me challenges which will send me to the principals' office . I don't like backing out. And I really don't care I can take any one down cause I'm Alayna fucking D'aramitz.

She eyes quizzically at me and at the window. I can see her smirking mentally at some evil plan she made. And now the smirk which she did mentally is growing wider threatening to tear her face. Hoe much.

"So lay.. you said that you liked that freak's blanket" She whispers as if its a secret.

I raise my eyebrows at her, understanding what is coming for me but..

"Which freak?" I ask acting as if I don't know what she is talking about.

"I can bet on my perfectly manicured nails that you know what I'm talking about" she says staring at nails.

Uggh I can't really blame her I'm a terrible actor.

"Okay that nerdy neighbour what do you want from him.. Should I ask him to lose his virginity to you?" I ask with a small smirk. Now it's my turn to smirk bitch.

"How dare you? But I would like to if he wants to because he is cute and he would do all my homework while I just go mess around. " She is a bad ass. I know we act as if we would rip each other's skull any time but I really love her and I think she loves me too.

Adrianée walks in with more vodka bottles while Clairé grabs my shoulder cause she has no interest in seeing the beautiful red liquid.

"Guys! Veuillez ne pas lutter contre nuos entendre pour célébrer " She screams on top of her voice. She is the mom in our cool group or better know as slutty group, not that we hook up with everyone or anything though.

"Ok maman", I laugh.

"Back to Lay!" screams Claire. I frown.

"What do you want me to do, chienne? Sleep with him?"

"Not exactly but close enough". Ok what the actual fuck does she want me to do? But whatever it is I will have to do it. My inner monster aka my fragile ego makes me do things that I know I shouldn't and by the time I'm 28 I'm pretty sure I would've served at least 3 terms of jail.

"Claire!", I scream sipping my vodka now martini, half drunk.

"Can't believe I'm hearing a no from the Alayana D'aramaitz!", she smirks. Even with her messed up hair and drunkenness, that redhead looks like an angel. Yes, I'm jealous.


I slip my index finger slowly through the gap in the window and slide it open. No! No! No! No!. My conscience screams at me. But I have to do it, no matter what. I ignore the small, rational part of my brain that remains dormant due to its dominant counterpart, the rather large irrational part. When have I ever thought straight anyway! Ugh, that freakin' salope. Okay, let's get this shit over it.

I climb in, look out of the window and wave towards my house. I turn to see the bathroom light flickering may be he forgot to off the lights. I just hope he is not here I kept praying and i walked towards his bed. I know that sounds wrong on many levels but I'm literally just climbing on his bed. I drop my shoes off just in case it creases or dirties his laced sheets. Not that I care but it might raise suspicion.

I'm suppose to lay here for 7 minutes. Oh My Fucking God! 7 minutes is just way too much. I could lay here forever if I could, but it's Brendon I-don't-know-much-but-very-cute Marchand's bed. Oh my lord. I really do hope god exists. As I lay my cheek on the soft sheets, all sorts of incoherent thoughts pop in my head. This situation is definitely bad, but it has a silver lining. It smells so intoxicating here, but it sucks. The time ticks slowly. Damn. But I don't want to go just yet. God, really, ain't I really bipolar?!

5 min 28 sec, 5 min 27 sec......The smell is divine. He probably smells like this too? I want to cuddle in the sheets. 5 min 45 sec, my thoughts wonder from school to Claire's stupid dare. Damn that bitch. She's the reason behind my situation. I could almost imagine the agonising smirk on Scarlett Poirier's face if I can't pull this off. Just another minute. Right Alayna, you can do this. You have to. I have an image to keep,you know? A few more seconds. 50 second....47....40....37.....I get up to retrieve my shoes and leave. I bend to fix the bed sheet. Just then a coin drops from my breast pocket. I pick the coin not wanting to stay a second more than necessary here. I breathe hard as I kneel beside the bed, closing my eyes. I open them. I hear the sound of the door creaking. Run! Run bitch run! now! But I am petrified and my body is not cooperating with my brain.

The person who walks trough the door is legit the last person I want to see now....

Holy Fuck!!

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This is our first chapter I hope you guys liked it. Please vote and comment it would mean a lot to us.

Sarah & Leah

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