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Scarlett's P.O.V

I see Alayna's shadow on the other side of the window and Clairé goes to open it to let her in. Clairé and Alayna are best friends. I always wanted a best friend too. Like the person with whom you could have late night talks,sleepovers, crush talks and who braids your hair. But I never had one. Never had I thought that I would be one of the popular girls but it changed when I met Alayna.. Even though I am hot and popular I don't get the love I deserve. Everyone deserves to be loved.

Oh snap out of it!. I scolded myself. I completely forgot that I was recording the whole Alayna-broke-into-Brandon-Marchand's-home-and-layed-in-his-house-for-seven-minutes scene. I retrieve my camera from behind the curtains, stop the recording and made sure it was saved. My plan was to play the video in front of Scott. Scott, the guy who helped when I had no one. Scott, my first love. Scott, Alayna's boyfriend.

I was never evil but may be i am now..love is blind and it makes me do stuff that I know i shouldn't be doing but what can I do? How do I make him like me? She is basically living my life. I never meant to hurt Alayna or betray her trust in fact I like her a lot. But she never was/ is a good friend to me. So if you like playing the bitch, You need to know that you're not the only one.

This time I am gonna win Alayna D'aramitz, I kept chanting this like a mantra and kept congratulating myself mentally. That was quite a dick move but I don't regret it. This is the only way I can get Scott.

She was rambling about how she escaped from that freak's house and how he nearly caught her but I wasn't listening to what she was saying because I kept thinking about tomorrow. My dream day.

After a little more of drinking, gossiping and roasting other people we fall asleep. Clairé and Alayna in Alayna's bedroom and Adrianée and I in the guest room. Adrianée is a total babe but she plays loud music which makes my head go like bo-hoo. Okay I am super drunk right now I gotta sleep.

"Good night Adrianée" I wish her to sleep well.

"So soon?" She looks amazed.

"The last time I checked my clock, it was 3:18 a.m" I said eying her skeptically.

"You guys are so weird.. you sleep so early" she said plugging her earphones to her ear.

Oh and did I mention about Adrianée's nocturnal behaviour? I was yawning. Maybe not now I said to myself and entered into a world that was entirely my own. A world in which there was only one boy.. okay this sounds bad let me rephrase the sentence; A boy who was my entire world. The boy with sleek blonde hair. The boy with a perfect tousled body and most importantly the boy in blue.

Next day Morning

I wake up on my right side and the first thing I see is Adrianée's back. I turn to my left and grab my phone from the bedside table. I see a few calls from my mom and texts from my toys. I call my mom..

I confide in my mom. Eventhough I can't tell her about me being a school slut, I can always ask for advice about men. She obviously won't be proud of me when she finds out I'm doing such irrational stuff just to get a guy to like me. Be independent, never trust men, and if you have to try to get him to like you he doesn't deserve you. A few things that she always says to me. It's not like I want to want him. It's not like I'm doing it so i can stab Alayna's back. It's just a side-effect of my plan.

I know after this, my entire gang of girlfriends are gonna hate me forever. I can't believe you did this for a guy!, Adrianee will say. What the fuck?, Alayna will scream. We are the slut group. But we are also best friends and made an oath never to want in a guy's pants at each others' cost. Today I'm breaking the very oath that I initiated. That day's memories come running back into my head... How I made everyone get matching tattoos with the word Hoe written on their middle fingers each with their favourite colours. Mine- red, because it goes with my name. Orange for Alayna, it complements her tan. Hot pink for Claire and Twilight purple for Adrianne. This signifies that we all have our own lives, depicted by the various colours but we always stick together, because of the word hoe. When Claire had asked why we were doing it I had explained everything to her. So, its like a major thing for us and for me. Not anymore.....

I have to call mom, let her know how I'm doing here. She thinks I give her every single detail. Poor maman doesn't know that I don't deserve a beautiful, caring mother like her. I don't deserve a life like this. In fact, I don't deserve a life at all. I don't deserve the trust of these people.

Everyone thinks I'm one hell of a person but in reality I'm a bitch of a daughter. A bitch of a girlfriend. A bitch of a friend. A bitch of a person....I can really get out of my head to get beneath his pants, can't I? I know the answer is yes that instant as the images of his beautiful sculptured body come running into my head in a jolt.

But I know this would eventually become fine because I deserve to be loved.You never had friends , my subconscience reminds me. I wanted to blend in with them, become popular like them and get Scott and now that i am halfway there I feel guilty. They were never good to you, they treated you like a vermin for the first few weeks. My subconscience who is trying to show up a lot these days reminds me of my past which I wish I could erase but I can't. It was a part of me and I have to accept it. Still a tiny part of my odd in the sense very small brain negotiates with me, You still have time Scar you can still change everything Don't do this. But as usual I didn't listen to the bright side cause I chose the dark.

After a bit of turning on my back, I look at the clock. Its hardly five. So, I skip out of the bed in the guest room and make my way to the kitchen to treat myself to some water, or hopefully some wine. No! You're already high, I scold myself. So good old' water it is.

As I enter the kitchen, I receive a oh-so-warm-welcome of Scott and Alayna. But it's not just Scott and Alayna, but also their tongues, their inter-winding lips that threaten them to swallow each other and a few clothes fallen here and there. Most people would have left that instant but I want to fill myself with more hatred so I can execute the plan.

So I just stand by the kitchen door and listen to their almost-inaudible giggles and moans of the aftermath of their little act. I can hear everything. I want to hide in some deep corner and make a plan to rip off her head instead or I could just walk in and embarrass them about their nakedness. I choose neither, although the latter almost got me. But it's Scott I'm playing with. If I want him to like me then I have to find a way to make him hate Alayna without him knowing its me. So I just scoot to bed, feeling dreadful and cry myself to sleep instead.

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Hello guys!! Hope you liked it. You got to see the other side of scarlett. Comment on what you think about her.

And guysss! We reached #48 in Chicklit.
This is insane.
Thanks a lot!!

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Sarah & Leah

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