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Warning : - Mild sexual content

Alayna's P.O.V

I wake up when my phone starts ringing. I turn it off to not wake Clairé up and see the caller id. The screen read Scotttieee <3. I was excited and kind of worried that he is calling me at 4:51 in the morning so I go to the living room and call him back. He picks the call on the second ring..

"Hey, you called?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Yes. I just want to feel your body on me." He sings Rita Ora's 'Body on me' he knows that this song turns me on so I continue. .

"No more, No more wasting time we can, we can do all night." I sing back. The only thing I like about myself is my singing. I think I am pretty good and my friends want me to start a youtube channel but I am not ready for commitment and wait the most important thing that I like about myself is my body. A body worth to die for. Ok sounds narcissistic as fuck but its true...

"Except it's 4 in the morning now." He informs and fakes a sad voice.

"Is that bad?" I smirk.

"Not at all.." I hear knocks on the door. "Hey just hold on for a sec",I am startled. Who knocks at the door at 5 in the morning? I hope its mom. I peep through the eye hole and see Scott carrying white lilies. Aww . He looks so good wearing his dark black jeans, checked red and dark blue shirt with a black jacket. He looks like a biker but the lilies in his hands give him the soft look. He looks happy.. very happy but why?

Stop being a sadist, my subconscience tells me. Of course people have their own reasons to be happy.

I open the door and there is a rush of adrenaline to jump on him and wrap myself around him but instead I just stare at him.. appreciating every part of his body. I start from his legs - can anyone ever have these strong legs, the way his calf muscle stands and then I move to his thighs - it reminds of my thighs synchronising with his while we make love and then I gaze at his hands - the way his fingers make circles on my body and how he puts it inside me. And then I look at his torso-

"Hey?" He says waving his hands to my face. "If you're done checking me out at least have the courtesy to call me inside.. I know I am super hot and-"

"Get over yourself Ray! You came here uninvited and F.Y.I I have fucked 89 people and you fucked only 43.. like half of it" I say placing my hands on my hips.

"You keep count?" He enquiries me raising his eyebrows.

"Well I'm honest in my first ever relationship and yes I keep count because I want to know everyone I had sexual relationships with so that I don't get std's and die." I say taking the lilies from him and placing them on the coffee table.

"That would be tragic... you dying because of AIDS or any other sexually transmitted diseases. " Then we both break into laughter.

My eyebrows creased. " Is there any florist store open at 5 in the morning? I guess not."

"No I got it yesterday. I thought I'd come over and surprise you but you planned for a girls night out so I didn't want you to put off your plan." He says walking towards me. Can that get any sexier?

"That's very considerate of you. But you gotta sleep and now you spoilt mine too" I say with an annoyed look.

He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. And I see jade green eyes staring intently with passion. "Really, D'aramitz?.. you know it's worth it." That's it. I know it's gonna happen and I don't intend to waste time either. We fall on the couch while we crash our lips together. I smile between our little while trying to take a deep breath.

"Not here, baby. I wanna take you on the dining table and eat you out", Sexy as fuck. Oh, my God. I nod in appreciation of the suggestion and wrap my legs around him. He walks us to the kitchen and drops me by the dining table, moves a few feet apart. I am panting and wanting. I am fully aware that there are three other people in the house. Too bad cause I don't care. He's watching me intently.

"Now who's checking who out?", I smirk.

"Really? Then we'll make this real quick."

He runs his fingers then his lips to mine too quick for me to feel the sensation. Then in a swift movement pulls off my watermelon sweatpants, really fast.Wow change in course...! I now realise what I was wearing.. eat sleep repeat sweatshirt and watermelon sweatpants and worst of all my oldest unicorn panties.  Well I didn't see that coming so..

I'm all sensation. He's everywhere. I feel him thrust into me and just let my body drown in orgasm. We're on the table, all lips and tongues and fingers and hair. Even maybe underclothes. He fills me up with himself and my heart with joy. Pure joy with a tinge of perception. This is how I want every day to end and every day to begin. I'm proud that he's mine. All mine. Head to toe and all the sweet stuff in between too. I'm yet to process that someone can be so romantic and sexually satisfying at the same time. It's over in no time. Before I can see where the weight above my body has shifted, he's up from the table.

"I would've done things to you if it wasn't five in the morning and there weren't three other people in the house", he whispers, his voice husky.


I hear footsteps but I ignore it. It's not like my friends will be mad if they find out. Although maybe I should clean the table a bit.

"Yes things. Things you can't imagine exist. You'll go 'dont stop' on me"

"Really? You know technically I have more experience. Should i repeat the statistics again?", I say as I dress again.

"No thanks. Now I gotta go. Hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight"

"Today", I correct. "You can stay over if you want, you know? My girls won't mind. They won't even try to rape you, I swear." I pout and I pinch the skin on my neck as to say 'promise'.

"Very tempting. But seriously, I have to go"

"okayyyy", I whisper with mock sadness. He smiles and kisses me lightly, in an adorable way as he undoes the locks of the window.

"You should use the door sometimes ,Scott"

"Hahahaha", he laughs as lightly as he can so as to not wake the others up. His sweet, boyish giggle sets my heart on a flight. "You know I sort of figured I like to make sudden entries and dramatic exits, like they do in mystery thrillers." He blows a kiss, winks and leaves. Boys and their weird aspirations! I drag myself to the counter to drink water still relishing the things we did on the table. I feel my cheeks warm up. I smile. My pretty boy. The way he goes boo-hoo on me gives me pleasure.

I decide on a little nap before I have to wake up again. I clean the table, trying not to leave any signs. Just then I hear quiet, almost inaudible sobs from outside the kitchen. And I know that all my efforts pretending I didn't just fuck my super-hot and all consuming boyfriend are in wain. Fuck.

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Hey peeps! Hope you guys liked this insight to the future chapters. Please vote and comment we'd love to hear suggestions from you + we changed the genre to teen fiction. And this chapter is for 13 and above only.

Sarah & Leah

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