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Alayna's P.O.V

I walked towards the other room and hear the sounds more louder and clearer but as soon as I open the door and before I know who is crying, the person was alarmed by the sound of the door creaking. And when I opened the door i was welcomed by Adrianée's snores and I found the right side of the queen sized bed empty. I turn around to look for Scarlett. Curiosity consumes me. Was that Scarlett who was crying? Why was/ is she still crying? Is there something wrong with her? Does she need a friend to talk to. I know I can't be the best of friends to her cause she is a total bitch. But when someone's in need I just can't help myself. So I scoot myself over to the corner of her bed and whisper her name.

"Go away!" , she yells startling Adrianee in her sleep. In that instant I know what she's weeping about. She always had a thing for Scott. When we went out together she blamed me and sulked for days I couldn't even keep count. Then came Claire for the rescue. She told Scarlett she was behaving juvenile as fuck, I thought she gave up on him. She went out with 9 guys in three months. It didn't take me much to realise she still always has Scott in the back of her mind.

"Look Scarlett, I know you were eavesdropping. And I also know that you're crying because you think I'm a boyfriend knicker. You've been very bitter with me for what seems like eternity", I say soothingly. She slaps my hand on her back away. Then the monster in my chest awakes and I scream, "but honestly its not my fault that he chose me over you. There is nothing...", I swallow and breathe and again let the monster take over me, "Nothing I can do if I'm more attractive than you are or ever will be. "

"Attractive?", she says the word with a snort and seething rage.

"You know what? Cry. Just cry. Dehydrate yourself until there's nothing but blood left. Then you can cry out your bodily fluids too. At least then you'll leave my boyfriend alone.Be the bitch you are. You can jump off the fucking balcony for all I care. Just be careful not to break that nasty ass of yours", I roar my rage out and slam the bedroom door.


My ass is sore from all the drunking at the cocktail party. Scarlett didn't show up.

"I would rather drink myself to death at home than be in a 50-mile radius within you and Scott's I'm-gonna-eat-you-out-watch-for-live-porn fuckery.", she said and smiled mocking sweetly when I asked her who she was taking to the beach party, yesterday. So I'm done trying to make up to her. Now I hope oblivion swallows her into nothingness. Her hollow, fucked-up self is always eyeing my things with such envy that could make the strong foundation of the Eiffel to fall over.

I come home at around 3 pm after noon. Adrianne looks as though she's been smoking pot all night. But I have evidence to think otherwise. I know she wants to say something.

"Scott told me he wanted you to go over to his place. He says its important. I've put him on hold", She says with a concerned look.

"scott.....babe", I greet him.

"Come over. We need to talk.Now", he says with anything but sweet comfort and hangs up. My heart accelerates. I ask Claire if I can borrow her Audi and rush over to Scott's. I almost hit a dog and its owner. I catch a few curses of outrage he throws at me. I ignore and pick up my speed. In normal cases, I would've driven this particular car with utmost ease and care. But this, unfortunately, is not a normal case.

As I park and walk the long isle to his house, he runs over, grabs me by the arm and pulls me towards the garden. He looks coy. I try to look apologetic for something I don't know. What have I done?? He kills me with his stare.

"What...?". I tremble.

"T.H.I.S". He says thrusting a recording camera into my palm. I'm confused. I almost ask him what the fuck this is. I just check it by myself. The video shot is directly pointed at Brandon's house and for a second I wonder why. My memory then takes me a week back. At Brandon's....someone actually filmed that? I suddenly realise that the angle from which it's shot came be none other than from my house. I'm overwhelmed. What the actual hell?

"Scott, I swear its not what its looks like. We were playing a stupid game and you know me..." I trail hoping he'll understand although the expression on his face tells me something else.

"Yeah I know you. I know you too well that this can be true", he says with a snort.

"You trust me, don't you Scottie? Please." He releases my arm and I soothe my reddened skin. His creased forehead doesn't release the folded skin and he pushes me into the pool almost childlike and jogs away.

"Ce que l'enfer" I scream.

I swim my way to the end of the pool and get up. I am all wet, I think to myself. This was the first time I am not using it in an inappropriate way. I stand there dumbstruck, recollecting what has happened. Someone just pushed you in a fucking pool, my subconscience reminded me. Even if that someone is my boyfriend, he can't get away with this. So I look around for a towel to rub myself dry. The two things I hate are wet hair and getting sabotaged. So I want to dry my hair first and want to plan on how to teach a lesson to who just pushed you in a pool. But my attempts to find a towel fail. Joy.

Without any further due I take the car and go home to avoid further humiliation by standing there and asking for forgiveness. I have tried to make him understand and he didn't give me a chance so I hope I can get myself not to give two fucks for I'm pretty sure there's many people out there just waiting for me to notice them. Narcisstic much? I know. My ride back home gives me lot of time to think and I finally come to terms that Scarlett is the person who recorded the video. I know she wants Scott but this is a big fall even for her.

I take the lift to my apartment which is on the 13th floor. I open the door and I see Clairé sitting on the couch and looking intently into her phone while Adrianée is watching the 'Whose line is it anyway?'. What's with everyone watching American TV shows? I act like I don't notice them and walk to the kitchen. God I actually forget I haven't eaten the whole day. I open the refrigerator and take the carton of milk out and pour it into a bowl of cereal.

"Hey, where were you?" asked Clairé.

And before I can answer anything-

"She went to see Scott and judging by her actions I guess it didn't went go well" Adrianée lifts herself up and switches off the television and gives me the tell-me - everything look.

I couldn't keep it to myself so I spill everything.

"So you think Scarlett recorded you breaking into Brandon's house just to get to Scott?.. This is absurd." Adrianée says with a stunned face.

"You know I am with Adrianée in this .Lay I don't think she did this." , says Clairé taking Adrianée's side.

"Are you guys even my best friends?.. you don't even believe me.. I guess I need to take a shower" I say leaving my cereal as it is.

I go into the shower and put my wet clothes in the laundry. I let the warm water run down my porcelain skin. And all of a sudden water reminds me about today's humiliation .I try to divert my thoughts towards something more pleasant.Do I have to be this miserable for a guy? Besides, I don't need a guy who trusts a bitch troll over his girlfriend. My anger starts to threaten me. I don't want this to turn out like last time.. I tell to myself and get out of the shower before my skin gets wrinkled just to see Clairé holding my bathrobe.

"You forgot to take this", she says handing it to me.

I don't reply.

"I can leave if you want" she says with concern.

"No stay. But you will be sleeping with Adrianée" I say showing her out of my room.

"Alayna!" She screams but I didn't let it get to me and let myself fall on my soft blanket. I checked my phone to see if I had received any calls or messages but there were none except for friend requests on Facebook. I reject all of them and put my phone to charge. I started to think about ways to teach Scarlett a lesson but yawn and my eyes start to droop. So I decided to call it a day and fall asleep.

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Hello guys!! We are really sorry that we didn't update for a long time but we did now. We need you guys to support us. And your support means a lot. Your love and support would motivate us to update faster ;)

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Sarah & Leah

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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