Video Chatting and Mysterious Messaging

428 11 6

'GoGo! You have to find him!'

'He's... he's gone.'

I jolt awake and accidentally hit my head on the desk, cursing when the pain registers through my cranium, giving me an even bigger headache than earlier. Chastising myself slightly for doing that in class, I expect at least someone reprimanding me, but when I look around, only Honey Lemon was sitting behind me with her nose in a book. 'Where is everyone?' I yawn as I stretch myself awake. 'And why am I not in trouble with Professor Callahan, or at least Professor Fujioka?'

Honey looks at me with pity while she answers, 'Everyone knows how tough the last few weeks must've been on you, so when I asked Fujioka to give you a reprieve, she accepted. As long as you do your overdue exercise.'

'I forgot all about that,' I mutter to myself, and Honey Lemon puts a hand on my forehead. I swat it away, saying, 'And what are you doing?'

'Just trying to take a reading of your temperature,' she replies after I take her hand away from my head. 'It's not accurate anyway, just a general view.'

I just look at her. 'Whatever.'

Honey Lemon stands from her desk and in her haste, her hair flips around all over the place. 'And have you been getting enough sleep, GoGo?'

'Um, yeah. I guess so,' I shrug flippantly, but internally I'm groaning because if she discovers I've slept for about 3 hours every night, I'm probably going to be dead meat drugged up on sleep medication.

She nods and writes down my answer. 'Okay, okay. And your emotional state? Have you been talking to your sister about any of this, because I know that you haven't been speaking to us about the whole thing.'

Suddenly, anger flows through me and I lift myself up from my chair, knocking it over in the process. 'Why do you even care so much, anyway? I'm perfectly fine, and you should worry about yourself rather than me.'

She looks confused when I reply with that, scribbling in her notepad while asking slowly, 'Why should I be worrying about myself?'

'You're the emotional one,' I snap. 'I'm the one with no feelings, remember? And don't refer to Tadashi's death with a euphemism. He deserves more than that.'

After that little disjointed freak-out, Honey looks rather shocked, but doesn't say anything to me, but instead jots down another sentence before closing her book and putting away her stuff. 'Well, now that you're awake, we can go do something fun and get away from school. Everyone's probably been waiting outside for a while.'

'Wait, how long have I been asleep?' I ask rather demandingly when I see the sun's position in the window. Chemistry was our only lecture today and it started at ten.

She looks at her sparkly pink wristwatch and says, 'Probably about four and a half hours.'

'Honestly,' I mutter in annoyance while I storm out of the empty lecture hall. 'Why are you guys so caring? It makes me angry.'

As Honey hurries after me, attempting in vain to throw her bag across her shoulders and close it properly, the last sentence that she wrote in her notebook with my progress is swimming in my head. "Well, that answers that question. I really need to help her."


'Hey, mi amigo!' Fred shouts over Wasabi (I don't know how that's even physically possible. Come on, Wasabi's a giant) and crookedly grins at me.

Honey Lemon claps politely next to me. 'You actually said something in Spanish correctly, Fred! I'm so proud, regardless of grammar.'

'I try.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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