Text 8.5 - back stories

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--3rd person Pov--

(y/f/l/n) is a very kind person. Her childhood so messed up that's even a story I might struggle to explain. I, the author, Page Hopeless, is going to tell you a story that is worth remembering.

(y/f/l/n) was a young and Beautiful girl. She was born on the 16 of October 1994. She had no religion until her 5th birthday. She found a church near her house which she seemed to spend most of her time. When she was Seven she met 2 boys in a grape farm. These boys looked to be running from something, someone. In fact they got so involved with each other's lives they didn't even notice. The second time they saw each other was at church. As Stated in (y/n) diary, (y/n) snuck out to Church. She only saw Saeyoung and followed him home. (y/n) was harmed multiple times by mrs Choi. She was insane. She would go on and on about how the twins birth was a mistake. She would go on about her friend mrs (l/n), a rich and beautiful women known for her wealth in the business world. Every time after churched Saeyoung and (y/n) would go and find somewhere new to explore. It could have been the cave across the lake, or the store which gave them free raw fish in the fish markets. After they explored a bit they would go back to Saeyoungs house to find Saeran. Saeran would always look terrible when they came in. He would cry to Saeyoung telling him how the Witch didn't feed him or threw another empty glass alcohol bottle at him. Sometime, Saeran would come to church, normally on these Days the trio would go straight back to the twins home.

Saeyoung would always talk about (y/n) to Saeran, telling him that they were going to get married. As Saeran was when he was younger he believed everything Saeyoung said.

((I'm honestly so tired, I'm at my nans and I couldn't sleep.))

It was 31 days until (y/n) 10th birthday. That was the day she told her parents about Saeyoung and Saeran. Their reactions were harsh. They told her she can not be with them, so (y/n) continued to sneak out for church and to explore. By this age she knew of V and Rika. As like they treated Saeyoung, they treated her too. Like their child. From this day, when ever (y/n) would come home her parents weren't there. They always left food in the fridge for her to eat and money for Church. She was such a strange child.

Until 4 days until her 10th bIrthday, she was told she was moving house. She was moving 4 hours away from where they lived. That made (y/n) panic as she would never be able to see the twins again, it make her panic as she would never be able to see V and Rika. They were her parents for The last month. But the thing is, her birth parents were lovely. They looked after her, washed her, feed her, gave her an education. She believed her life was perfect.

On her 10th birthday, she was expecting her Aunty and Uncle from Canada to come visit her, her new house was in a city, not a country side. She realised by her second day living there she would feel so lonely. When the knocking happened on the front door. (y/n) was very excited and didn't follow her mothers teachings. When she opened the door, a strange man stood there, quickly covering her mouth and lifting her up. This wasn't what she wanted. She was thrown into a car to be taken away. All she knew was that she had blacked out. Her parents were murder by the man at the door. So was her Aunty and Uncle. When the police went looking for her, her grandparents and other family members agreed to put her up for adoption.

She was placed into a adoption centre in a different city. The food they served was always raw or uncooked or over cooked, their clothes were rags, girls who had their periods were locked in rooms and were left there until they had finished. They were expected to clean all day.

Within 4 days of being put up for adoption, a women walked in with a boy who looked not much older then her. They took her Instantly, without an interview of any kind.

She was taken to a mansion. Her room was built perfectly with pink and purple covering the room. She learnt the rules quickly. She had to be a A student at school, clean and cook the meals, have baths at Certain times. That was what she had to do until the family brought a butler. Did I mention the fact she forgot everything that had happen before she turned 10. She had forgotten everything. She had forgotten her birth mother and fathers face. She had forgotten her old last name, she had forgotten Saeyoung and Saeran. She had believed her parents were murder on her tenth birthday, she had believed her family couldn't look after her. It was such a shame really.

Her brother. The one she was adopted to. Her half brother? Became her best friend. He showed her around the city, his favourite hiding places, the all boys middle school he attends, the oak tree in the middle of the park. That was (y/n) favourite place. From there she felt she might remember what she forgotten. All she could remember was that two boys she spent her time with. Not who they are, not where they are. Just 2 boys. In that oak tree, she drew pictures of the clouds. She ate Honey Buddha chips her brother brought her after school. She always would read about medical science. In fact she was never sent to school. She had the ability to leave and enter the house when ever she wanted. She never was home because her mother always threw books at her. She only went home for lunch, dinner and to sleep. She stole breakfast before she ran out the door every morning. She broke the rules by not going to school.

On her 16th birthday, her brother changed. He stopped buying her honey Buddha chips, he stopped teaching her things he learnt at school. He avoided her. When ever she tried talking to him he would tell her to make friends her own age or go to school. All kids her age hated her. They always acted because of her rich family.

A couple of days before her 17th, she was told about an arranged marriage. She completely forgot about the twins. But she remember that she was marrying someone. From there she snapped. On her 17th she decided that she was leaving. Her Note only had the words No, and goodbye.

Her 19th she got her drivers licence. She had a full time job 4 hours away from the city. Close to where the adoption centre is. She was quick. By the time she was 21 she finally decided to get an education. She wanted to study the medical cause. She found a Uni called SKY university. Her gut feeling told her to go there. She finally got a car, which she crashed on her journey. She stressed about making it to start school. This crash messed with her mind even more.

They found drugs in her system, her mother drugged her when she feed her. She had surgery. But (y/n) payed all the money for it. She asked not to inform her mother of her condition as it was her mother fault why she was in it. After she got out, she moved into her apartment. She only had 5 boxes in her car, which ended up in a moving Van. She arrived to her Apartment late Sunday, she unpacked as one of the moving men brought her a Bento from the servo. She was stressed the whole night, unpacking and washing some clothes. The hospital encouraged her to stay home but she refused.

She made it to school, feeling a bit light headed, Yoosung looked at her, he knew she looked Familiar. It looked like the girl in the picture frame at Sevens house. So when she tripped, he caught her. Taking us to the start of this story!


So (y/n) finally has a back story, OMF. 

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