Text 3- Moving

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--(y/n) pov--
I woke up... In a bed... With two big arms pulling me into a hug. The sent of Seven was containing my nostrils. Eyeing down the time it read 6:45. So I managed somehow to pull myself out the hug. I grabbed my charging phone, my wallet and keys then went to the bathroom.


How hard is it to use a shower? I moved this and that. Until it finally worked *yay* I had to use Sevens shampoo and conditioner. Oh my. This sucks, it really does. I quickly finish washing myself keeping an eye on the time, I need to go, leave like now! I jump out and hunt for a towel. I found a cupboard thankfully. I sprayed myself with his deodorant and got dressed quickly. Next minute I knew I was sprinting for the front door.


I Ran up behind Yoosung, jumping behind him and scaring him.
"Oh, I thought you were seven?"
I look confused.
"You thought?"
"Yeah I thought!, why do you smell like him."
I felt my world crash there and then...
"He kidnapped me."
Yoosungs face looked shocked. I pulled out my phone as I had no other time to check the chat room. The background picture... Is of me.... Sleeping on Sevens couch. He really is trying to destroy my life. I logged into the chat room. My bio read 'Seven is a Cat lord' as my profile picture was of him and me sleeping in the background. I am going to murder him. Changing everything quickly Yoosung laughed.
"What?" I ask in confusion.
"What even is your profile picture?"
I felt my face blush. So I logged onto the chat room.
----(u/n) logged into the chat room----
Jumin Han: Is that why she wasn't home When I went to ask if she could look after Elizabeth the 3rd.
Jaehee Kang: that is very inappropriate of you Luciel.
Yoosung★: she even smells like you Lolol
707: Lolololol

I hit Yoosung.
"You don't need to say that in the chat."
"Wait you're logged in?"
He checked his phone.
"Oh shit"

Zen: hello darling ~
707: were was my goodmorning kiss
(u/n): I hate you
Rikaaa: ouch. Luciel you set your self up for that!
(U/n): hello Rika, oh my what did I get myself into?
Rikaaa: I have no clue but good luck!
707: where is V?
Jaehee Kang: *sends Confused Emoji*
Jumin Han: Elizabeth the 3rd is meowing I must go now.
Zen: my nose!
----Jumin Han left the chat room----
Jaehee Kang: I'll go after him!
----Jaehee Kang left the chat room----
----Yoosung★ left the chat room----
707: baii darling ~
----(u/n) left the chat room----


I sat in class, thinking, where should I move? I needed to find a new house, new school, get away from everything. I wrote the rest of my essay. Now thinking. Where was V in that chat room?


Leaving school I had no text messages. I felt great, finally. I took my seat, checking for local schools, local buildings. Anything really. I was really tired. I'm getting home and sleeping. Going. To. Bed. Alone. Me. Sleep.


I swing open my door. Singing. Happily. I walked in to go to my bed. To sleep. You know who was asleep in my bed. MY BED.
"What are you doing here?"
"How did you get in here."
"The key"
"What key?"
"The key I stole..."
He didn't respond. I was too tired to deal with this.
"Move over."
Seven moved over in the bed as I fell into it. I was tired. I think I should get some sleep. Well. The only thing I remember is Seven kissing my forehead before I fell asleep.


Once he left the room a couple of hours later, I went hunting on my phone. I found a school that offers the Medication course. There. I'm going there, I put a booking into the school. Instantly I got an email. 'You have been accepted into this course. Please make any appointments and bookings before hand. It will be nice to see you here.'

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