Chapter 11

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Is this all I will ever know? Is this what my life is to be? So close, yet so far away from the ones I love. Every time Roman comes into this room, his eyes are distant, emptiness swirling inside of him. I turn away from him now as he comes into the room, trying to figure out how to bring him back. The only thing that I can see is finding the Pool of the Gods. Rumors are swirling around the palace that Roman and I are on the brink of destruction, Dean and Bayley both refuse to see me. It's as if everyone has forgotten who I am. The only two who recognize who I truly am are too young to understand what is going on.
"Slave, what did I say to you? Are you even listening to me?" Roman yelled from across the room.
"Why should I listen to you? You've clearly forgotten who I am."
"Then show me who you are," he commanded, "take me to this Pool you keep muttering about in your sleep."
I looked at him in confusion, "I've never mentioned a Pool to you before."
He ran his hand over his shaven face, sighing, "Just show me please."
I nodded, grabbing my cloak and following Roman out the door.

"I nodded, grabbing my cloak and following Roman out the door

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"My king, where are you going?" Lana shouted. "She's leading you into a trap. She's a traitor."
Lana advanced towards me as I felt a surge of power course through my veins. "I wouldn't test her if I were you Lana," Roman stated, "I've felt the power she emanates everyday growing, and besides, what's a little harm in bending to the fantasies of a slave, even for just a moment?"
I turned towards him, my eyes darkening into a deep shade of green. Roman frowned seeing this, his hands slowing raising in surrender. I strode past him, out the palace doors, and into the courtyard. Apikalia and Atamu were playing on the ground, squealing when they saw me. "Mama," Atamu cooed. "Mumu," Apikalia said stretching her arms up towards me, I lifted both into my arms, as Roman came out, stopping short when he heard Atamu say again, "Mama, mama, mama," while patting my face. I started walking away from Roman towards the Pool of the Gods, setting Apikalia and Atamu in the surrounding ring of stone. Watching as Roman stepped into the clearing. "Why do they call you mama?" He asked me.
"Step into the Pool and you shall know the truth. So that you see I do not wish any harm to you, I will go first."
I stepped forward, stepping into the cool water, slipping further underneath until only my head remained above the water. I took a deep breath and plunged underneath, only to feel arms wrap around me, pulling me back to the surface. Coughing and sputtering, I heard a man say, "Love, are you ok? What in the hell were you trying to do, drown yourself? Why the hell are we here? We should be back at the palace with your mother and Hunter."
"Who are you?" I asked, looking confusedly at him, and the two children with him.
"Livia, it's me, Roman, you're husband, father of your children."
"I don't have any children, nor a husband, my father wouldn't allow it. He said I am to remain unmarried until the Samoan God comes for me."
I saw his face fall, his jaw clenching, as he shook the water out of his hair, pulling his hair back into a man bun.
"Follow me," he said, lifting the two children into his arms.

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