Chapter five

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Roman, Apikalia, Atamu, and I along with Dean, Bayley, and Lord Rollins left to go to my fathers palace. To say I was worried about this is an understatement. I can't believe that my father would do this to my family, and with Romans confession that he tried to stop his father the night my mother died. I was only three when she died, and my father never mentioned how she died. Now I understand more why he's kept me close to him, I wish I had listened to him more.
"Livia, my love, what's on your mind?" Roman asked.
"My father, I just don't understand why he would do this to us. It's not your fault that my mother died."
"But I feel as if it is. Your mother died, and I couldn't do anything to protect her. And now you and our children are in danger. Livia, please we should've stayed home, you could be protected better than being here."
I cupped his face in my hands, "Roman, I'd go anywhere with you. I can't just sit back and watch them try to destroy my family. But there's one thing I don't understand, if my father was behind this, why did he let me come back to you?"
"I've been thinking the same thing myself, unless there's someone else working with him on this."
"But who?"
"I think I can answer that your Majesties," Dean said.
"Who?" Roman asked.
"It's kind of a long story, but here it goes. When my family was working for yours Livia, your mother made my father swear that we wouldn't tell anyone, but you had a brother. Before you we born about two years beforehand, your mother had a child, a son. But when he reached the age of six months, something went wrong, within a week, he was dead. Your father blamed your mother, effectively shunning her from his life, except as she was his Queen, their marriage bed. However, your mother began an affair with another King, one that you and he both know very well, one who confronted you about your relationship with Roman. All due to the fact that his daughter was to be Queen. That King was Hunter. Livia, there is a good possibility that the man you believe is your father, may not be. And the attack on your mother was orchestrated by your father, once he knew of the affair. Rumor has it Hunter is alive. You can find out if he is your true father."
I sat frozen in horror that my father may have known that I wasn't his, and that he was only trying to eradicate me because of my mothers affair.
"Livia, you can still make things right with him. He's always had a soft spot for you. Especially now that you have children."
"Hunter was the one who took our children, what if he already knows that I am his daughter?" I asked.
"You seem certain that he is your father," Roman stated.
"It's just that, after my mother died, Hunter came to the palace, every year, on my birthday. He would always tell me, it was to honor my mother. The only year he didn't say that was this last one. The day Sasha told you I disobeyed her, that was the day of my birthday, and he told me to not get comfortable in your bed, that it wouldn't last."
"Livia, are you certain?" Roman asked.
"Yes," I replied.
"Then before we go to his palace, we need to find Hunter."

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