Chapter four

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I sat there in shock, looking at Roman, my mind reeling. My heart shattering, that two people I trusted with my children's lives would put them in danger. "Roman, are you certain?" I asked, the conversation from earlier about going to the market playing in my head.
"Yes, Livia, I am. Now do you understand why I didn't want you going to the market? Let me ask, what ingredients did they ask you for?"
"None that I know the name of. Oh Gods, they were ingredients for poisons weren't they?" I asked, my stomach coiling.
"Yes, thank the Gods you wrote the stuff down, if it weren't for Dean showing me the paper, you would've gone blindly with them."
My head went down, tears now streaming down my face, "I'm sorry I doubted you. It's just...."
"Livia, I know my love. You don't need to apologize to me. But once this is finished with Clara and her husband, we will be safe once again."
"There has to be more, someone who was helping them," I said.
"Not that we have found yet, but we are continuing our search. In the meantime, I want you protected along with our children, at all times."
I nodded, as he wrapped his arms around me. "So we are having another child?" He asked.
"Yes," I replied.
"Livia, I need you to stay away from the kitchens for awhile, plus someone will be testing everything you eat."
"What am I allowed to do?" I asked.
"Love, you can stay here with me, and help me figure out where we are going to put the crib."
I semi glared at him, "What about the twins?"
"Well I think it's about time they have their own room. They can't stay in here forever. Plus I'll have Bayley stay with them, and there will be guards posted on their room and with them at all times."
Panic rose inside of me, my babies, he's taking them away from me, as if sensing what I was going through he said, "And no, I am not taking them from you, it's time that they had their own room. Trust me, I don't like this much, but with you being pregnant, you'll need all the rest you can get."
I tried protesting but he wouldn't budge on this. At that moment, Clara came to the room, "Your Majesties, I was wondering if you were going to the market with us?"
I looked at Roman who said, "No I'm afraid not today, Livia and I have work that needs to be done here. Maybe some other time."
I nodded in agreement, trying to hold my anger towards her in. She looked at me, smiling slightly, "Then I'll bring the two of you something to eat and drink."
"Send Bayley and Dean to us first," I said.
Once she left, Roman asked, "What is it Livia?"
"She's too eager to get rid of us, just like a certain lord whom when I originally left, couldn't wait to see me leave."
"Lord Owens?" He asked.
"Yes," I replied, "he's always wanted me gone. The others never really said anything to me, except Lord Styles was with him when he said that."
"Do you think Balor, Owens, and Styles are working together?"
"I wouldn't put it past them. And didn't Clara when we were talking to them about where they came from, didn't her and her husband come with Lord Owens?" I asked.
"You're right, how did I not see this?"
I smiled up at him, "You've been more worried about me and the twins. But I do appreciate it, even if I don't like what you do."

That afternoon, Roman and I spent formulating a plan of action against the lords, when it hit me, "Roman, Lord Owens went with my father, per my fathers request. You don't think my father would try to sabotage us, do you?"
His eyes hardened, "You think he set you up to fail? That this was all a ruse?"
"Everything he's had me do, have all for the most part revolved around you. The night you came and took over, my father sent me down to the courtyard with the councilors. They were the first that you took. He threw me in your path. I never realized it before, but everything he's done, everything I've done, have all led back to you, Roman, he's after you."
"But I've never done anything to him, I mean minus what you already know."
"But your father, did he tell you of anything that happened between him and mine?"
Roman hesitated, "He didn't know it was her that night. It was dark, he was angry, storming through your families palace, he was looking for your father. Instead he found your mother and you, I was with him that night. Your mother tried to reason with him, I tried to stop him, I swear Livia, but I was only a boy, he was stronger then me, he gripped your mother by her throat, squeezing the life out of her."
When he finished his eyes were full of sorrow.
"When I saw you again, when we took you, I hated the fact that you were to be in the palace anywhere near us. But I knew I couldn't let anyone else have you in their service. My father wanted me to kill you that night, but I think even then, I knew I loved you."
Cupping Romans face in my hands, I said, "I love you still, even now, so all this time, you've been protecting me?"
"Yes, even though I treated you horribly in the beginning, I will always protect you."
"I think it's time we paid my father a visit."
"I agree," he said, "we will leave in the morning, and don't worry, we will take the twins with us."

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