Chapter nine

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I woke up in my room, Roman no where in sight. Tears pricked at my eyes, sadness flooding me yet again. The needle they had stuck in my arm had caused me to go into labor, my mother sat by my head as the contractions worsened. She still sat by my bed, "I hate you, I hate you for killing our child. You're no mother to me. You killed an innocent child, and what for? You hate his father? Get away from me, I swear to you that you will pay for this."
"You won't do anything to me because you're too weak and pathetic to even try."
"Touch any of my children again and you'll see what happens."
She stood, opening the door, saying, "Rusev, Lana, bring him in."
Once they brought Roman in, his shoulders slumped, they left the room, leaving us there alone. "Roman, are you ok love?" I asked, biting back the tears I wanted to shed.
He remained silent, not once looking at me. I touched my hand to his cheek, running my fingers across his mouth, his hand shot up, gripping my wrist, snarling at me, "Don't touch me slave."
"Roman, I'm not your slave, I'm your wife."
"You've been nothing more to me than a slave, you will never be my wife, I am to marry Sasha."
I looked at him in confusion, until it hit me, they broke him or more importantly she broke him, Lana. I slid off the bed,  walking away from Roman, the tears blurring my vision, the pain in my stomach making me double over. I sunk to my knees, wrapping my arms around me. It was at that moment that I vowed to bring Roman back from the brink, and destroy the people who've made my life a living hell. My mother, father, Hunter, Sasha, Finn, Lord Owens and Styles, they would all pay. I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Princess, help me," Roman said, his eyes full of confusion and pain.
"Anything for you love," I responded.
I sat down on the bed, Roman laid down beside me, placing his head in my lap. What I didn't expect was the tears the ran down his cheeks, the sobs racking his body. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close.

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