Preparing For The Ball

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Authors note:

This Harmione / Dramione fan fiction is set in the fourth year at Hogwarts. ♡

(I know this first chapter is really bad, even I hate it but I promise you after a few chapters, it gets better! Also the chapters are so much longer and their is more Dramione action.)

Also the first few chapters are super short, but they get way longer as the story goes on. x


"The Yule Ball is traditional, and I expect each of you to attend it." Professor McGonnagal instructed to all of the fourth years boys who desperately didn't want to go to a ball. Except Neville of course, he was right into it.

"Mr Weasley, come out here."

Ron, one of my friends, even though he was a complete idiot, shot a embarrassed look at Harry before he walked over from the seats we were all sitting on and out to the front of the class.

"Now mr Weasley, put your left arm on my waist here and put your right arm on my shoulder."

"Bloody hell." Ron muttered

The class giggled, I just rolled my eyes, he was being immature.

Ron and Professor McGonnagal waltzed around for a bit before we were all asked to join in. All of the girls including me, Hermione Granger jumped to our feet and instantly started dancing. Since none of the boys got to their feet, I danced with one of my good friends, Parvati. For about ten minutes we danced, both giggling and stumbling before I glanced over my shoulder and saw Fred, George and Harrylaughing about something.

Harry Potter. My best friend ever since year one, when he saved me from a troll that one of our previous teachers let into the school. He was so brave, kind and quite attractive. To be honest, I've always kind of felt like we should be more than friends but I don't think he thinks that. Especially now he has a lot on his mind, since he's competing in the Tri- Wizard Tournament.


The next morning my alarm goes of just as usual and I get up and head straight to the showers. No other girls are up yet, but that's because I always have my alarm half an hour earlier than what everyone else has theirs, I like to get to the showers first.

As I'm walking through the common room, I spy a head poking out from just above the couch. It's Harry.

"Your up early."I say, startling him. He quickly turns his head as realizes its me.

"Blimey Hermione, you scared me!" He laughs. I laugh too and go sit down beside him.

"Couldn't you sleep?" I ask as I stroke his wild black hair back of his face.

"It's impossible to sleep, I had that same dream again, you know the one where I'm the caretaker of the castle and Voldemort is there, only he isn't exactly him. He's like-" Harry sighs "Never mind, I can't explain it."

"Has Sirius wrote back to you yet?" I ask him kindly

"No, not yet." He looks down at the ground.

"Everything, feels like to much, you know being in the Tri- Wizard tournament, having these nightmares, finding a date for the ball, it's just too much."

"Harry, everything will be fine, don't worry." I reassure him.

I give his leg a little encouraging squeeze and continue making my way to the showers.

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