Paradise Dick

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Chapter 15: Paradise Dick

Three Days Later..


I've been locked up in my room ever since I overheard Rico slaying my Mom ass to the high Gods and hearing him say he love me. I don't know how to feel I was never one to defy my Mother. Always been the perfect son and did as I was told. However, she has taken this too fucking far and today is the day he is suppose to leave. This is some crazy shit I need to talk to him, but if I come out of my room she will rush to talk to me. I make sure she is gone to work at the restaurant or with the pastor to go eat. I know you maybe thinking like why haven't I use that time to see Rico, but he wont open the door its locked. However, I have been watching Carlee alot. It was a knock at my door and I looked over at it. I heard a small voice say, "Deejay, she is gone." I quickly grabbed my robe and thru it on over my Light Blue and Orange Andrew Christian Briefs. I opened the door and she said, "I want some Bacon." We walked downstairs and I made her pancakes, bacon, and toast me some bread. As she sipped her Orange Juice I asked her the question that I have asked everyday and hopefully today I get a different answer.

"Did your Dad say anything?" I asked her as I chewed on the inside of my mouth. She put the over sized glass down and exhaled, "Yup. That we have a plane ticket for tomorrow morning. Uncle O called they made it to the oasis. Him, Geneva, and My Mommy. We going to be a family he said. And he told me its a beach... I cant wait." As I heard the excitement in her voice I felt the pain in my heart. He is actually leaving and it doesn't seem like ill be able to say Goodbye. Hell, I maybe wont be able to see him. But at this point summer is over and a week and half, so I don't care.

She then continued, "But Im sad." I chuckled, "Why? Your Dad told me you love the beach."

"I do alot, but-but I thought you was coming." She told me. I squinted my eyes and laughed,"Why you thought that?"

"Because you are like my other Daddy. Im going to miss you." Water filled in my eyes and I said, "Im going to miss you too, but being that this is your last day let's get in the pool and takes lots of pictures. I can print them out and we can make it Bigger to out on your wall at your new house." .
She hopped up smiling and she said, "Yay!!! And Ill try to get Daddy to come. no promiches." I cracked up and said, "No promiches." My phone buzzed on the counter and I walked over and read the message. It was from my Mom.

"Sean might be stoppin' by later to pick up something out of my office let him in." I rolled my eyes and said, "Fuck me, man. I hate this bitch." I walked out of the back and made sure our pool was cleaned and that the grill was too.. I want some burgers and hot dogs... I love juicy hotdogs.

The Oasis


"You dont get a period? What the fuck aint you a girl now?" I asked Geneva shocked as hell. Shit, you got a pussy now so I expect you to have all the perks that come with one... hell I was wrong. She spreaded the wax over my chest to clear off my Chest Hairs... she hates them.

She explained, "I wasn't born with the organs to produce eggs... I cant have a baby either. So just letting you know." I looked up at her as the smile on her face disappeared. I grabbed her by her chin gently and said, "We have other options if we ever wanted children. I survived a life or death situation a few days ago." That mission to save Jessica was one serious as battle. Many lives was lost and almost my own, but Jessica saved me with the help of James. We killed his brother, Titus, and all their damn man... We decided to just let James go on with his life. I couldn't back stab someone who in the end chose to side with an enemy over his own blood. She ripped the wax and I screamed, "FUCKKKKK!!!!" I hopped up and did a little dance around the room ass I tried to calm down.

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