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Secretive, hidden and unknown

A world which has no hope

Elders so powerful and strong

No battle causes them any harm

Wise and mysterious

Know what you may not

A map within their mind

Unknown to what others sought

Clever to the extent

They know what you will do

Eliminate any threat

Acting on their cues

Their robes so black, their hidden from sight

Hoods covering their faces

Never know when something’s not right

Blend in the darkness

Eyes at all places

Their ears listen, to every conversation

They are there but also not

They are blind but do see

They carry scars on their hands

From the first battle that sprung free

They suffer from the darkness

Despair surrounds them

They are empty bodies, no emotion left within them

Their eyes are deep black holes; you lose yourself when you look

Their mouth stitched to hold every secret at every crook

They take sacrifices, telling people they are saving them

But deep within, it’s only themselves that they help

Dead bodies that have rose, from the graves of warriors

A person may not know, guardians are a living nightmare

Blood shed, knife thrust, gun shot, life gone

Loud cries, tears shed, hope lost, life dead

Up, down, left, right, lose control, lose right

Unbearable pain, terrifying screams

Shake me to the extent as I see their memories

Never know anything

Never see or hear

The guardians only reveal

To a sacrifice they seal

Bound to this chair, forced to witness

The death and despair

They have to live with

They circle around me

Forming a star

One by one, swords are bought

Shining tip brought on my head

A sacrifice for them

Is what my life has led

Control, take over and kill

Give me no choice or will

The blades strike my heart

Close my eyes, bracing for the fall

Knife piercing in, life gone

Guardians kill, embracing what’s been done

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