you never said

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In kindergarten I threw you to the ground

I thought you’d go tattle tale

I threw juice on you

Made it look like you peed in your pants

But you never said a word

I kicked you out of your own club

Made a joke of you having a bear

I tore the picture you made for your crush

And put gum into your hair

Yet you never said a word

I didn’t hate you but acted like I did

Made my life more hilarious

You were innocent yet a boy

That’s all there ever is

But you never said a word

I stole your homework

Put jam on your seat

Embarrassed you to the extent

I stole your diary, read your secrets

Laughed until you were red

But still you never said a word

Which got me confused even when

I said you were a disgrace to your mother

Yet she wouldn’t know cause she is dead

Just like your other brother

You shed a tear, turned around

And looked me in the eye

But even then you never spoke

Never said a word

I started to feel

Guilty and ashamed

Of what I have done

I shed a tear

For all the mistakes

For all the harm I’ve done

I promised myself

I’ll be good

Bandage all the hurt

But when I came to you,

You never said a word

I tried to apologize

Say I’m sorry

But I couldn’t seem to say it loud

My mouth was forming

With words so rare

They were hard to come out

I looked at you

And finally managed to say a word

Yet you weren’t facing me, you fell down

Lying on the earth

I panicked and called

Screamed for you to wake

Called your name over and over again

I was in agony

Spilling sorries

Crying my heart out that day

I looked at you

So pale and gone

But couldn’t stop my trembling

I said I’m sorry

For all I’ve done

But again you never said a word

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