Chapter 20 : Disappeared!

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As we walked in, I saw the boys to my left, wearing tuxedoes. The attire wasn't unusual as Indians are inclining towards western culture. To my right, I saw the girls wearing gowns, adding the charm to the majestic hall.

Yellow lamps floated in the square room. The roof of the hall was painted diligently in a pattern of different colors. A table stood in the centre with three chairs and the Trinity symbol flashing brightly at the top on the wall behind which had large sized windows overlooking a gentle lake.

There were seats along the walls and a large gazebo in the center. A gazebo in this place seemed odd but it did add to the beauty of the room.

The room's ambience diminished the worries from my recent unnerving encounter. I adjusted my bow tie as I joined Himu and Rev, standing in the third row from the front.

"I heard Prof. Joel marched you and Minnie to Rick's office. Everything alright?", Himu asked.

Himu and Rev looked much better now. The healers really did a nice job.

"It is nothing actually", I said. I did not  want to speak about Rick's intention of sending me to the mission before talking to him in private.

"Was he again accusing Rick fatuously of some decision he made?", Rev asked, pushing the matter.

I nodded a yes nonchalantly, indicating I didn't want to pursue the conversation.

I turned behind and saw Jay in the last row. Jay was the one who fought against Rod in the first ritual battle I witnessed. He was standing beside Drake and seemed to eschew being noticed.

After Drake's encounter with Komal, it was the first time I saw him. He stood there, silent, staring at the symbol. Something about him was unsettling.

My attention was diverted when I saw Komal enter with a tall and strong guy. She looked flawless in a red gown and her hair braided. The guy wore a black waistcoat over a white shirt under a black coat and trousers.

The chair at the right behind the table was occupied by Prof. Joel, who looked irascible.

To the left sat a woman with auburn hair. Her forehead had few crease lines and her cheeks were little saggy but her black eyes twinkled as if they had witnessed many unforgettable experiences over many years.

Rick went and stood behind a podium beside the table.

"Welcome everyone to the induction ceremony of Trinity High. Let me begin with the obvious",he said.

"It is no wonder that you might be thinking that your life took an unusual turn. Few of you have realised your powers and those who haven't, don't worry. You are safe. But what you must understand is that your lives have a different meaning now and enormous danger associated with it."

He paused to let his words sink in. Looking at me, he continued -

"You might have a lot of questions and the path to find the answers might look vague now. But don't worry. The answers will find their way to you."

"All the new students, your parents have been informed and you can meet them tomorrow at a place whose location will be sent to you to your respective rooms."

"Now, I would like to introduce all of you to Prof. Pragathi who will teach you how to balance your power to the right level. She is also an expert in yoga and I have no doubt that she will instill it's importance in you", he said, his eyes humorous.

"Now, she will announce the blocks for the students. "

I saw Prof. Joel shift in his chair, sulking at Rick.

Pragathi nodded her appreciation and went to the podium. After a cordial greeting, she took out a remote from her coat and pressed a button.

A blue screen popped up in air, displaying the names of the students and the blocks they would go to. I saw my name right below Minnie's, in the block Unparalleled.

I noticed there was another name below mine which didn't fail to surprise me.

It was Drake. Now, I had a good chance to clear my suspicions.

I just went through all the names and saw that the Illusionist block comprised of Komal and Rahul.

I turned to my right and saw Komal shaking hands with her partner. It was evident now that he was Rahul.

"Now that everyone of you have seen the blocks you belong to, let's conclude the ceremony with the dance", said Pragathi.

Everyone moved to the center along with their partners. Himu was dancing with Priya. Sadly, Rev hadn't found a partner. But then, who would tell no to a ghost?

As the music played, I clasped Minnie's right hand, placed my left hand on her stomach and we began to perform salsa.

My eyes never left her face. She danced so well, I found it hard to not stare at her and focus on the dance. She was truly an epitome of beauty and I found solace in her eyes,which twinkled while she pirouetted.

Suddenly, she stopped and unclasped her hand. She looked at me, the expression on her face indiscernible.

But her eyes conveyed a strong message. A message that something was wrong.

She turned and started walking out of the hall. As I tried to follow her, someone tapped my shoulder urgently.

I turned and followed Rev's gaze towards the left corner of the room.

Drake was moving behind Rick, unnoticed, who was headed towards a side door.

His eyes were the same color when he had fought Komal, which, I realised, was a bad sign.

I pushed through the crowd and went behind Drake, followed by Rev as Rick and Drake left the room.

When I pushed open the door, which opened into a small corridor to the right, I couldn't see anyone or hear anything.

They had vanished into thin air.

A/N :
Sorry for being late but now you'll find an update once a week hopefully.

So what do you think of this chapter? And why is Drake acting so weird? Where did Rick and Drake disappear?

For the best comment, I will read your book and also recommend it to others in my other chapters.

Happy reading!

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