Chapter 19 : A Deception?

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As we followed the man who walked with a hunch towards Prof. Rick's office, I asked - "Who is he?"

The man was in his mid forties with a round face and arched eyebrows. White hair spanned the black bush on his head in the middle. He blinked his brown eyes frequently and walked with an unusual gait.

Instead of replying, Minnie gesticulated to keep following him.

We walked down the corridor past the ceremony hall and took a right turn.
A door stood ajar in the middle of the corridor emitting bright yellow light.

As we entered the room, I gaped at the majestic view my eyes witnessed.

The room was oval in shape. One section of the wall behind a mahogany desk that stood proudly in the center was lined with different types of arrows, incendiaries, swords, guns and small round shaped black objects whose capabilities I wasn't aware of.

A large screen spanned the remaining part of the wall as tenuously as one could imagine.

A glass cylinder to the right of the table ran along the height of the huge room. Maybe it was an emergency exit but I couldn't fathom how it worked. I didn't see an elevator in it or any projections which could serve the purpose of a staircase.

A golden hover board hovering aimlessly beside the table with a lion's head protruding in the front depicted Rick's status in the school. 

Rick was adjusting his bow tie sitting behind the table.

"What brings you here this time, Prof. Joel?", asked Rick.

To my surprise, the sound came from behind. I turned around and saw Rick facing the wall beside the door which reflected his image like it was a mirror.

Rick moved forward and clicked on a button under the table. The hologram disseminated and an empty chair stood in it's place.

"With utmost sympathies, I would like to tell you that it's time for you to leave this school along with this kid here", he said, pointing at me.

Rick kept a straight face, showing no signs of confusion and while continuing to adjust his bow tie, he said - 'While I appreciate you offering your "sincere" sympathies, I refuse to accept them. Also, may I know the reason for your absurd statement?'

"Ofcourse. While everyone is exultant that we kept the agents at bay when the school was attacked two days ago, no one realised your tomfoolery behind sending Rish, who, by the way, has no idea regarding combat skills and thus you put the whole mission and the entire school in jeopardy. You have become decrepit and are ill-suited to run this school.", Prof Joel replied.

Before Rick could speak anything, Minnie retorted.

"Sir, you fail to realise that Rish was accompanied by some of the best students who have undergone vigorous training to undertake such missions. He didn't slow us down or put the mission at risk. Infact, he saved Mandy's life and helped Rev too."

"And while you said that Prof. Rick is no longer fit to head this school, so strenuously, I would like to say that he is the last bastion of hope against the master who's operating from the shadows."

Minnie's words and the followed silence sent a chill down my spine.

Why did Rick send me on the mission? Who was the master? Why was he doing this? Had Minnie encountered him? Was he the same guy from my vague memories of the unknown place?

My head throbbed with so many unanswered questions. When the silence could no longer be tolerated, Rick said-

"The induction ceremony begins anytime now. Prof. Joel, I think it would be better if you would help the other professors out there in the hall."

"One last thing. It's a great achievement, to come back unscathed from such a deadly mission. So, Rish, you are exempted from attending the archery classes this year", Prof. Joel said calmly.

Before I could say anything, he turned and stomped out of the office.

"Why is holding a grudge against me?", I asked Rick.

"He despises me, not you. He thinks he is best suited to run this school and infact he is the immediate choice in case I step down", Rick replied.

"You won't, right?", asked Minnie.

"Not on his life. Anyways, let's put this behind us and enjoy the evening. I am expecting you both to have a nice time and bond well", Rick said and winked at me when Minnie wasn't looking.

"Yeah, sure", I stuttered and walked behind him and Minnie.


Lucian walked in a small room with a single chair and a small screen on the wall adjacent to the door. His fists were clenched and he was breathing heavily.

A small man was sitting in the room enveloped by darkness.

"Why didn't you let me go? Do you want to explain why you are so calm even after such an embarrassing defeat?", he asked.

"I thought you were clever enough to figure it out on your own. I never intended to kill those puny kids. You know that I sent the worst agents for the "battle" . My main intention was something else", the man replied.

"But the school is safe again. What do we do now? , Lucian asked, sounding little irritated now.

"That won't be a problem now as Rick will never realise what actually happened."

"They think they won. Let it be so", he continued as the screen's light shone on his malicious smile.

A/N :

Sorry for being late but here am with a thrilling chapter.

What are your thoughts regarding the master's plan? What do you think will happen next.

Comment your views and for the best comment, I would read their book and comment my views too.

Take care and happy reading :D

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