Chapter 18 : Threat from the dark

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"Don't we have a professional team to ensure that the school is safe?", Rish asked me, slightly bewildered.

"There are different teams assigned with different tasks. While we were out there, giving them a taste of our powers, team sorcerer maintained the order in here", I replied.

"You did well, out there", Rish said, his brown eyes gleamed and a charming smile spread across his lips.

"So did you, considering that you have been here only for two days and haven't undergone any training", I replied.

But something else had entirely bothered me since the beginning of this expedition.

It was pellucid that Rish couldn't be allowed on such a dangerous mission as he didn't even know properly about his powers. The fact that he didn't have a control over them was concomitant.

Why did Prof. Rick agree with Rish's plea to accompany us on the mission?

After a successful mission and a bumpy ride down the tunnel, team wizard walked in the main arena towards the hoverboards and segways recharge unit, which was a mammoth container and had the capacity to charge ten hoverboards together..

Himu and Rod were admitted in the medical unit. Priya, after congratulating us, had escorted Rev towards their block.

I, Rish, Mandy, Shawn and Trevor were standing near the recharge unit.

"Well, if you would've come straight with all you got and not worked on your dramatic entry, we would have wrapped it up sooner", said Trevor, acrimoniously while Rish stared back at him hard.

"Trevor, internecine strife will not help us in any manner. And why would Rish do that? He raised his hands in his defense and was unaware himself about the iron arm power. The least you can do is not pass such pejorative comments ", I said, forcing a calm tone.

As Trevor tried to retort, he was intervened by the sight of Prof. Rick approaching us.

"It was a commendable effort, team. You managed to keep a highly volatile situation in control, for now", said Rick, his expression stolid.

He looked at Rish for a while before facing Trevor.

"It was an onerous task but you accomplished it. Meanwhile, Komal has showed signs of recovery and Trinity High is veiled again", he said.

"That was one battle you wouldn't want to be in. Looked like the kid lost control over his powers", said Mandy.

He was referring to the ritual battle between Drake and Komal

"How's Drake now? I have never seen Komal lose a ritual battle. What are his powers, prof?", asked Shawn.

"He hasn't resuscitated yet. The outburst left him devoid of any energy. According to our analysts, the power is a mixture of psychic and fire. How is  it triggered and when he will regain consciousness, is inexplicable right now", Rick replied.

I checked my watch. It was 3 30 am. As I stifled a yawn, Rick said -

"Everyone, back to your blocks now. I want you all to have a sound sleep and be rejuvenated for the investiture ceremony tomorrow."

As everyone left, Rish stood there, ruminating. Rick kept a hand on his shoulder and said-

"You did a great job. At this point of time, everything may seem distorted and blurred but soon, the ripples will clear."

Rish nodded and started walking towards our block. I followed him.

Once inside, I showed him his room which was similar to mine.

It was a square sized room with a single bed in the middle, a table lamp, a book shelf with few books in it and a cupboard.

As Rish sat on the bed, I asked -

"What is bothering you?"

He looked up. His black eyes were perturbed.

"I have lost an integral part of my memories. I don't know what am capable of or what am not."

"I don't know who am", he said, his voice low.

I edged closer to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"You know, when I came to know about my powers, the thought of my parents worried me. I couldn't tell them about it as it would endanger my kin."

"Even today, I can't recollect anything about my abductors or the research facility. The vague memories keep blinking in my mind. It feels like my head may burst anytime now."

"But then I realised, eventually, it will all come back. I just need to wait for some more time."

But I don't have enough time left.

Rish remained sedentary. I slightly tapped on his arm.

"It's time you hit the bed. Everything you need will appear in the cupboard. Just write them in a slip of paper and keep it inside", I said.

"Is it weird that it doesn't surprise me? Usually, you would expect someone to start scribbling by now", Rish replied, pretending to be flummoxed.

I smiled at him before leaving the room and heading for mine to accept  a much needed sleep.


"What time is it", Rish asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Half an hour before all the professors take their seats in the Trinity Hall", I said.

"I slept for 15 hours straight?", Rish asked, flabbergasted.

"You better hurry if you want to be my partner in the ball that is followed after the ceremony", I said, winking at him.

"Aye aye, captain", Rish said and got out of the bed.

After twenty minutes, as I stood in the hall of our block, I heard his voice behind me-

"You look fabulous."

I had worn a yellow gown and matching heels. My hair was braided and the mascara was the final touch.

Rish's black blazer on a white shirt complimented his suave dressing sense.

We headed out of the block, towards the hall. The main arena was lit up by yellow glowlights floating slowly in the air. People were moving around, practising their moves, clicking pictures. This was the first time the school had such an ambient atmosphere since I came here.

We entered a dark corridor at the north end of the arena. Taking a left, I heard voices. The hall was at the end.

As we walked, a man appeared infront of us through a small door in the alley. The person was obfuscated from our view.

"Who is it?", Rish asked.

A familiar voice said-

"You won't be going in that hall, kid, but out of this school along with Prof. Rick"

A/N :
Hello readers! Albeit it was a filler, there were moments which opened many possibilities to contemplate about the next chapter. Comment your views and do vote for the chapter!

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