Chapter 4: The Dream

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I was running barefoot on a rough and weedy ground in a place somewhere in the wilderness, wearing a greasy white shirt and torn blue jeans. Sirens were wailing in the distance and the intense beam of a searchlight was sweeping the entire area. I was trying hard to avoid being caught by the eagle's eye who was steadily maneuvering the projectors. I couldn't see any direction signs and the treacherous land seemed to extend on forever. Blood was gushing out at an alarming rate from the numerous bruises on my body. All of a sudden, I seemed to slow down and the world around me too. I felt excruciating pain and slowly fell down on my knees. Breath was coming out of my mouth in small gasps. I couldn't feel my hands and the numbness was spreading over my whole body. For the first time, I dared to turn and encounter my opponent.

But all I met was creepy darkness enclosing me from all sides.

I woke up on my bed, eyes wide open. I was perspiring uncontrollably and my shirt was drenched in sweat.

I looked at the digital clock on the wall infront of my bed.

5:35 AM

My head felt heavy and my surroundings seemed to roll around.

But the memory of my dream was as vivid as if it had happened just yesterday. I felt something was missing about it as if a broken thread in a chain of many such dreams.

I was getting late.

I dashed towards my cupboard, swinging the doors open. I changed my wet clothes and the strong odour of my deodorant filled the entire room.

I took my bag, wore my sneakers and was out of the house, heading towards my college.

After probably sleeping through first two hours, I was woken up by my benchmate Shaurya, the only guy who was better compared to those geeks, albeit he was also little weird.

"The old guy's got sharp eye sight. He probably missed you because the guy in the third row was caught before you were",  Shaurya exclaimed proudly. Apparently, he had just saved me from a big trouble according to him.

The guy was sent out of the class,  obviously, after a lot of humiliation.

"Yeah, thank you", I replied, sarcasm dripping from my voice. I hated physics.

After five minutes, when I couldn't continue the great battle with my eyes to stay awake, I got up to wash my face.

"Sir, can I go to the washroom", I asked him politely.

"Yeah, but don't sleep there too",he replied sternly.

I left the class. He probably caught me snoring but thought to let go. I made a mental note to tell Shaurya about his failed attempt.

As I was walking in the corridor, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

There was a notification about a friend request.

I clicked on the pop up window. The friend request was from someone whom I had never dared to send one but wished constantly from.

A cunning thought was taking shape in my mind.

"Minnie",  I whistled her name softly before rejecting the request.


Sorry for the delay :)
N do drop in ua comments on  what u think was the dream about. I would love to read unique speculations :D

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